Empirical Rapid and Accurate Prediction Model for Data Mining Tasks in CloudComputing Environments

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 940

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 فروردین 1394

چکیده مقاله:

With the arrival of big data and cloud computing asa computing concept, it is becoming ever more critical toefficiently choose the most optimum machine on which toexecute a program, for example in the healthcare environment.This process of choice is also complicated by the fact thatnumerous machines are available as virtual machines. Hence,predicting the most optimum choice of machine based on atarget application is a challenge. Prediction techniques consumelarge amount of computing resources when operating withmulti-dimensional data that can cause long delays compoundedby cross validation process in evaluating and choosing the mostoptimum prediction model. We propose a model of predictiontechniques to predict and classify some of the health datasets toretrieve useful knowledge to illustrate how a data miner canchoose a suitable machine especially in cloud environment withgood accuracy in a timely manner. Our results show that theexecution time has an inverse relation with the use of resourcesof a machine and the accuracy of prediction could be differentfrom one machine to another using the same predictingtechnique and dataset.


Samaher Al-Janabi

Department of Information Networks, Faculty of Information Technology (IT), University of Babylon Babylon ۰۰۹۶۴, Iraq

Ahmed Patel

School of SOFTAM, Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FTSM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, ۴۳۶۰۰ UKM , Malaysia

Hayder Fatlawi

Information Technology Center,University of Kufa Najaf ۰۰۹۶۴, Iraq

Ibrahim AlShourbaji

Computer Network Department, Computer Science and Information System College, Jazan University Jazan ۸۲۸۲۲-۶۶۴۹, Saudi Arabia

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