The Effect of Family Environment on Young Adults Social and Emotional Adaptation

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 838

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 شهریور 1393

چکیده مقاله:

Background: those who are in young adulthood are in a period full of conflict and fluctuation among dependency and independency which is one of the most sensitive stages of their life and this creates an important responsibility for society, family and especially for the parents. So the family environment has got basic importance during the young adulthood and the beginning of adulthood period. Purpose: the objective of this survey is the investigation of family environment (consolidation and flexibility) and its effect on emotional and social adaptation of young adults for an important role that the psychological function of the family fulfills in the in the young adults daily life and future social adaptation. Methodology: the method of this survey has been the correlation descriptive and its statistical population is the boys who are in the first grade of high school in Baharestan small city. The capacity of the sample includes 160 students whom were selected from five schools in different districts by random cluster sampling method and ne class was picked randomly from each school. For data gathering the questionnaires of consolidation, family flexibility (Samani and Shakeri), and social adaptation were used. Findings: the findings show that the consolidation and family flexibility have either positive relation with emotional and social adaptation of young adults and is their positive predictor. Results: the results of the research can bring important information for the parents, therefore the establishment of family education classes and workshops at schools and different district's level by municipal and forces of law and order (police) concerning the manner of family relation for parents for prevention of social incompatibility such as addiction is very useful.

کلیدواژه ها:


Nooshin Pordelan

MA career counseling, Department of Education and Psychology, Isfahan University, Iran

Hamid Heydari

MA career counseling, Department of Education and Psychology, Isfahan University, Iran

Edalat Karimyan

MA career counseling, Department of Education and Psychology, Isfahan University, Iran

Fatemeh Khoshnevisan

MA educational planning, Department of Education and Psychology, Isfahan University, Iran.