Analytical Investigation on the Dual Phase Lag Effects on Heat Transfer in Skin Tissue

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,259

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 مرداد 1393

چکیده مقاله:

This work uses the dual phase lag model of bioheat transfer (DPLMBT) to demonstrate the effect of using non- Fourier boundary conditions (BCs) instead of Fourier one on the thermal behavior of skin tissue subjected to a periodic heat flux. The bioheat transfer analysis with periodic heat flux on skin tissue has only been studied by Fourier types of boundary conditions. Dual phase lag (DPL) model combines the wave features of hyperbolic conduction with a diffusionlike feature of the evidence not captured by the hyperbolic case. For the first time, the exact analytical solution of DPLMBT equation is obtained with the non-Fourier BCs adopting Laplace transform method and inversion theorem. Generalized model of bioheat transfer (GMBT) is proposed which contains Pennes, thermal wave (TW) and DPLMBT where the temperature solution for the aforementioned models can be obtained directly by using appropriate coefficients as they appear in solving this generalized model. The temperature profile at the skin surface is calculated for various thermal relaxation times and heat flow regimes of DPL model. The blood perfusion range rate in skin tissue is estimated based on the existing algorithm in the literature. It is indicated that considering the non-Fourier effects on the BCs leads to the completely different tissue thermal behavior in compare with when they are absent.


Hossein Askarizadeh

Mech. Eng. Dep., University of Isfahan

Hossein Ahmadikia

Mech. Eng. Dep., University of Isfahan