comparing thermal enhancement of Ag-water and SiO2-WATER nanofluids over an isothermal stretching sheet with suction or injection

سال انتشار: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,021

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 خرداد 1393

چکیده مقاله:

in the present paper the flow and heat transfer of two types of nanofluids namely silver-water and silicon dioxide -water were theoretically analyzed over an isothermal continues stretching sheet to this purpose the governing partial differential equations were converted to a set of nonlinear differential equations using similarity transforms and were then analytically solved it was found thad the magnitude of velocity profiles in the case of Sio2 -water nanofluid was higher than that of AG-water nanofluid the results showed that the increase of nanoparticle volume fraction increased the non-dimensional temperature and thickness of thermal boundary layed in both cases of silver and silicon dioxide increase of nanoparticle volume fraction increased the reduced nusselt number and shear stress it was also demonstrated that the increase of the reduced nusselt number was higher for silicon dioxide nanoparticles than silver nanoparticles however the thermal conductivity of silver was much higher than that of silicon dioxide


aminreza noghrehabadi

department of mechanical enginnering shahid chamran university of ahvaz ahvaz iran

mohammad ghalambaz

department of mechanical enginnering shahid chamran university of ahvaz ahvaz iran

mehdi ghalambaz

engineering section of iman madar naslaha co IMEN ahvaz,iran

afshin ghanbarzadeh

department of mechanical enginnering shahid chamran university of ahvaz ahvaz iran