The Relationship between students’ learning style and their gender differences

سال انتشار: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 914

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 آذر 1392

چکیده مقاله:

Much has been said about the importance of learning styles and its contributions to different facets of language learning. According to the Dunn and Dunn (2000) model of teaching and learning, the best method of instruction is a method which can best adapt itself to students’ learning styles. Dunn (2000) assumed that this traditional method of teaching do not consider the differences in students’ learning styles and also the potential increase in student achievement that are in line with matching instructors’ teaching methods with students’ learning styles. Notwithstanding the fact that practitioners of the different disciplines do their best in the study of efficient principles, the result of their work are implicitly accused of being inefficient in their approach to teaching that discipline. Dunn and Dunn (2000) maintained that the optimal avenue for teaching of new material is the method which can closely match students’ learning styles. Learning styles include multi-dimensional preferences for elements within environmental, emotional, sociological, physiological and psychological strands. It is suggested that students’ performance in the classroom is augmented provided that teachers take into account students’ preferences and learning styles while teaching new materials. By the same token, some scholars advocate the inclusion of students’ learning preferences in the process of preparing a test. For instance, Saleh (1997) asserts that prior to building the teaching and instructional practices, a full understanding of the students’ learning styles should be obtained. Teachers can promote learning conditions by utilizing visual, auditory and kinesthetic activities (Lightbown & spade, 2003). In so doing, students’ learning experiences will be promoted and they will learn elements of language through the channel that best fits their learning preferences. This study intends to determine whether there is any correlation between students’ learning styles and their gender. To this end, a questionnaire which was intended to determine students’ learning styles, namely visual, auditory and tactile, was utilized. In order to gather data,the questionnaire was administered to 130 EFL learners. The results of this study can cast more light on whether there is any relationship between gender and learning styles. The findings of this study displays that female participants are more auditory than male participants. Also, Male participants are more kinesthetic than their female counterparts.

کلیدواژه ها:

Learning styles ، auditory ، kinesthetic and visuallearning styles ، gender differences


Ali Soyoof

Islamic Azad University, Shiraz branch

Mohammad Jokar

Shiraz State University