Superchanger heat exchanger

سال انتشار: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,439

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 آذر 1392

چکیده مقاله:

This paper contains a condensed description of recent developments in heat exchangers and improve efficiency in heat transferring. The superchanger heat exchanger is designed to provide maximum efficiency in transferring heat from one liquid to another or from steam to liquid.[2] Their applications are in Energy exchanges, Pulp & Paper, Metals, Chemicals, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas and Miscellaneous manufacturing. The refrigeration processes can function as Flooded evaporators, Direct expansion evaporators, Liquid cooled condensers, Desuperheated, Subcoolers and Oil coolers. We've discussed about every 6 cases in this paper. Efficiency, Cost effectiveness, High performance, Minimal maintenance and Service are demanded by every industry and commercial or governmental entity in today's highly competitive, technological world.plate and frame heat exchangers have demonstrated their superiority in satisfying these demanding needs over other types of heat exchangers – and the best of plate and frame are Tranter SUPERCHANGER units. Superchanger heat exchangers are daily performing critical duties in a wide variety of applications around the world. Tranter's SUPERMAX and MAXCHANGER welded heat exchangers offer distinct advantages of plate heat transfer efficiency, due in large measure to the turbulent flow created by the corrugated patterns of their plates.[4] The SUPERMAX welded plate heat exchanger handles liquids, gases and two-phases mixtures at perssures to 1,000-plus psig (68-plus barg) and at very low and high tempretures. If prime application considerations include a variety of connection locations, space and single-material design, the MAXCHANGER is extremely versatile.[4]


Soroush Sharifnia

Islamic Azad University Quchan-Branch

Hamze Ali Tahmasebi

PhD in Chemical Engineering

Omid Mahmoudi

Petroleum Engineering Student

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