Stunting Incidents Based on Socio-Demographic Determinants, Family Food Security, And Maternal Digital Parenting
سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 29
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 آبان 1403
چکیده مقاله:
Aims: Toddlers are one of the groups that are vulnerable to malnutrition and are often associated with a lack of protein energy over a long period of time. Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem that causes a child to fail to grow compared to other children in the same age range. The stunting locus villages from ۲۰۱۹ to ۲۰۲۲ in Maros Regency were ۸۰ villages, ۲۳ sub-districts spread across ۱۴ sub-districts, this includes the Marusu Health Center work area. Mothers' knowledge, and behavior, poor feeding attitudes, economic problems are some of the factors that contribute to stunting. Research purposes This is For analyze connection knowledge, attitude, action, support family, role cadre integrated health post, resilience food, digital parenting, culture Mother toddlers at Marusu Health Center.
Method. Methodology research used in study This is study quantitative with use design cross-sectional research . Number sample in study This is ۳۴۱ mothers toddler . Taking sample in study This using total sampling.
Findings : The research outcomes reveal that none of the investigated factors exhibit a statistically significant correlation with stunting in the Marusu Health Center area. The Chi-Square test yielded p-values for knowledge (p = ۰.۸۰۵), maternal attitudes (p = ۰.۹۴۲), maternal practices (p = ۰.۷۲۶), family support (p = ۰.۹۴۲), the role of health service post cadres (p = ۱.۰۰۰), food security (p = ۰.۶۳۲), digital parenting (p = ۰.۳۷۸), and cultural factors (p = ۰.۸۱۲), all of which surpass the ۰.۰۵ significance threshold, indicating no significant relationships.
Conclusion : The study concludes that there is no statistically significant association between knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, family support, the role of integrated health post cadres, food security, digital parenting, cultural factors, and the incidence of stunting in the Marusu Health Center area.
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