The effect of pH on the dissolution and purification of zeolite in the adsorption process

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 40

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 مهر 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Considering the importance of water and its purification in the country and human society, the need for proper and cost saving purification in various regions of IRAN especially Semnan province has been abundant and the country's need for extensive water purification increases its importance due to the high records of zeolite. But the water of each region may have a different pH the effect of zeolite filtration and its dissolution in water at different PH have not been investigated. Three water samples were prepared using nitric and sodium hydroxide with different PH ۴.۵, ۵.۸ and ۶.۵ and TDS was measured along with UV test and the weight of zeolite was measured for ۲.۲g for each case. After the process and in the presence of zeolite in three samples, UV test analysis revealed that zeolite dissolution in acidic media would be more. the hardness of the sample with TDS meter showed that except at PH ۵.۸ dissolution of zeolite is done more. The weight of zeolite after process showed that in acidic media, zeolite weight decreased and zeolite dissolution was more than refining. As a result of this the experiment, it was found that in more acidic environments, zeolite dissolution in water is more than purification and in neutral environment, purification is better.


Seyed Mohammad Matin Mirmasomi

Department of Materials, Isfahan Mobarake Steel Innovation Center, Isfahan University of Technology, Golpayegan ۸۷۷۱۷-۶۷۴۹۸

Seyed Mahdi Rafiaei

Department of Materials, Isfahan Mobarake Steel Innovation Center, Isfahan University of Technology, Golpayegan ۸۷۷۱۷-۶۷۴۹۸