Strategies applied in the translation of taboo words in English movies to Persian

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 65

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 تیر 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Taboo words, defined as linguist expressions that violate social norms and are considered offensive or inappropriate in certain contexts due to their association with sensitive topics.This study conducts a descriptive textual analysis to investigate the translation strategies of taboo words in thirteen episodes of the Lucifer series, which is chosen from My Movies. The aim of current study is to examine the most and less used strategies for translation and subtitling of taboo words. The study is based on Baker's (۱۹۹۲) model and includes ۱۵۰ data and their translation, which the strategies applied in the translation and subtitling of taboo words can be analyzed.The results indicated that the "translation by paraphrasing using a related word strategy" was the highest frequency (۳۸%). Conversely, without taking the strategies "translation by a neutral word", "translation using a loan word", "translation by omission" and "translation by illustration" which were used in ۰ instance, the least used strategy was "translation by a more general word" (۱۱.۳۳%). In between, "translation by paraphrasing using an unrelated word" (۲۲.۶۶%), "translation by cultural substation" (۲۸%) and "translation by a more general word" (۱۱.۳۳%).


Hajar Barzigar Barahouei

BA student, English translation, Sistan and Baluchistan University, Zahedan, Iran