Designing a professional model of doctors, basing the behavior of organizational citizens & organizational behavior

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 102

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 تیر 1403

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objective: Organizational citizenship behavior in physicians is influential in the quality of care provided by them. Also, one of the most important motivational issues that has been widely spread in organizational psychology studies today is the issue of organizational commitment. Therefore, according to the need of medical centers for the growth and development of doctors' professionalism, this study has been carried out with the aim of designing a model of doctors' professionalism based on the approach of organizational citizen behavior and organizational commitment.Methods & Materials: This is a combined (quantitative-qualitative) research study that was carried out during ۱۳۹۹-۱۴۰۱ in the teaching hospitals of Isfahan and on doctors In the first phase, the qualitative method of discourse analysis with Jorgensen's approach was used to explain the professionalism of doctors, and interviews were conducted with ۱۵ doctors working in teaching hospitals and in the second phase, a cross-sectional analytical survey method was used to design and evaluate the model. The data collection tools were Avergan Organizational Citizen Behavior Questionnaires, Allen Weimer Organizational Commitment Questionnaire, and the researcher-made Professionalism Questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were estimated at ۰.۸۵ and ۰.۸۷ and It was completed by ۱۵۰ doctors respectively. The data were analyzed qualitatively using Strauss and Corbin method and open coding and quantitatively using SPSS ۲۴ and AMOS ۲۴ software and Pearson and Chi-square correlation tests.Results: The results in the section explaining the professionalism of doctors include five concepts; It was professional competence, moral competence, trust building in the profession, communication skills and social responsibility. Also, the results show that organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior have a significant effect on professionalism (P˂۰.۰۵). Also, organizational commitment has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior(P˂۰.۰۵). The standard model obtained from statistical data analysis is presented. Based on this graph and according to the value (p=۰.۰۰۰), it can be said that the apparent variables are well loaded on the latent variables.Conclusion: According to the findings, it is suggested that hospital managers take action to improve the professionalism of doctors in relation to planning in line with organizational commitment and organizational citizen behavior.


Elnaz Vasili

Master's Degree in International Business Management, Isfahan, Iran

Arezoo Vasili

PhD of Curriculum Planning, Clinical Research Development Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najfabad, Iran.