Background: The rescue and protection of refugees and disaster victims depend on fast fooddelivery at the lowest possible cost. Most of the time, emergency rations are used as the sole sourceof food available early on in natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, etc., or in times ofemergency such as evacuation of a war zone. The amount of energy, nutrients, sensoryacceptability, and immune-boosting components of emergency rations is of the utmost importanceto meet the nutritional needs of those affected. Nutrition and nutrient-boosting foods are essentialfor proper immune function and function.The aim of this study was to formulate and sample two emergency dietary rations promoting theimmune system of warriors and to investigate its immunogenic effects on the animal model of mice.Methods: In this study, ۴ groups of ۱۰ Balb / c mice aged ۴-۶ weeks and weighing ۱۷.۸-۱۸.۹ g willbe selected. Two dietary groups received treatment ۱ and ۲ and two control groups received ۱ and ۲diets. Before the beginning of the experiment, all rats were kept for a week for adaptation,adaptation and relieving stress in the animal site of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Then,the blood samples of all rats were examined for immune factors. Then the diets of treated andcontrol rats were given ۳–۴ g daily for ۸ weeks. During this period health status and water intakeand
Mice were examined for food. After ۸ weeks of dietary intake, venous blood samples weretaken to evaluate concentrations of IL۴, IFN-, IGG۱, and IGG۲. Humoral is in mice determined byELISA.Results:Results showed that the treatment groups had higher levels of gamma interferon than thecontrol groups. Also, the ratio of IFNy / IL۴ in the treated groups was higher than the controlgroups. These results confirm an increase in the Th۱ / Th۲ cell ratio and an increase in cellularimmune responses in the treatment group. According to these results, IgG۲ and IgG۱ antibodiesincreased and decreased in the treated group, respectively. It is noted that isotype switching to IgG۲and IgG۱ in mice is affected by IFNy and IL۴, respectively; the ratio of these antibodies isconsistent with the findings of the cytokines assay and the apparent increase in cell ratio. Th۱ in thetreatment-receiving group.Conclusion: The use of emergency diet in mice increased the cellular immune responses in bothtreatment groups.