“Freedom Amidst Alienation: An Inquiry into Sadeq Chubak’s Short Story “TheBaboon Whose Buffoon Was Dead”

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 84

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 اردیبهشت 1403

چکیده مقاله:

This article engages in a nuanced examination of existential themes in Sadeq Chubak's shortstory, “The Baboon Whose Buffoon Was Dead”. Chubak, known for his keen insights into thehuman condition, crafts a narrative that serves as a profound exploration of the delicate balancebetween liberation and isolation. Focused on the interplay between alienation and freedom,Chubak's narrative unfolds as a poignant exploration of the human condition through themetaphorical lens of a monkey grappling with the death of its master. The story's protagonist,Makhmal, serves as a symbolic vehicle through which Chubak examines the multifacetedlayers of alienation. From the monkey's detachment from its fellow animals to its existentialsolitude in a world shaped by unpredictable circumstances, Chubak artfully captures theessence of alienation as a pervasive force influencing the character's psyche. Concurrently, theanalysis delves into the theme of freedom within the context of Makhmal’s narrative arc. Asthe buffoon's death catalyzes a transformative process, the monkey's newfound freedombecomes a focal point for understanding individual agency and self-discovery. By employinga combination of literary analysis and existential inquiry, this article aims to shed light on theprofound philosophical underpinnings of “The Baboon Whose Buffoon Was Dead”. Thepresent study contributes to the ongoing discourse on existential themes in literature, invitingreaders to contemplate the intricate dance between freedom and alienation as portrayed throughChubak's masterful storytelling.


Adela Chiru

Assistant Professor, University of Bucharest, Romania