Appraising Iranian L۲ Classroom Discourse Contents From the Critical Pedagogy Perspective

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 59

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 اردیبهشت 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Critical pedagogy (CP) empowers L۲ learners to have a voice in the classroom and in the society. This study was an attempt to investigate whether the current classroom discourse  in  Iran  can  endow  the  L۲  learners with  a  critical  awareness  to  actively transform their learning processes and creatively engage in collaborative dialogues to construct new knowledge. To this end, the discourse contents of ۱۰ L۲ classrooms in Shahrekord,  Iran,  were  randomly  observed,  recorded,  and  examined  to  explore whether the turn-taking architecture was designed in a dialogical way to empower the L۲  learners with critical awareness  to  transform  their  roles of passive  learners  into critical thinkers and coparticipants. Chi-squares were, then, run on the transcribed and coded data related to the occurrence and distribution of the initiation, elicitation, and follow-up moves,  and  a  complementary  interpretive  approach was  adopted  to  the analysis of classroom  interactional episodes. The  results  indicated  that  the  teachers were  the  initiators of most  exchanges  in  the  classrooms,  and  their  initiations were mostly in the form of display (i.e., product) questions. The teachers predetermined the contents of the L۲ learners’ turns, leaving no space for the L۲ learners to have their own voices. Therefore,  the L۲  learners’  roles were  restricted  to giving preselected, short answers. The teachers did not use their follow-up moves to encourage critical talk, dialogue, or collaboration among the L۲ learners in class. It is finally argued that a  critical,  transformative  approach  to  L۲  pedagogy  and  classroom  discourse  de-silences  the  L۲  learners  and  empowers  them  to  constantly  reflect  upon  their knowledge-construction and learning experiences.


Masoud Rahimi Domakani

Shahrekord University

Azizullah Mirzaei

Shahrekord University

Maryam Ranjbar

Iran Language Institute