Application of gene expression programming for modeling bearing capacity of aggregate pier reinforced clay

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 104

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 فروردین 1403

چکیده مقاله:

Utilizing the aggregate piers is one of the methods to improve and increase the bearing capacity of soft soils. The ultimate bearing capacity of these piers is affected by parameters such as the physical properties of the piers, structural conditions, the embedment depth and replacement ratio of piers, which complicates the estimation of bearing capacity. In this study, the Gene Expression Programming method was used for the prediction of the ultimate bearing capacity of clay soils reinforced with aggregate piers. For this purpose, two different models were developed, of which the first model (GEP۲) utilized two input variables, the undrained shear strength of clay (Su) and replacement ratio (ar), while the second model (GEP۴) used four input variables including the undrained shear strength of clay (Su), replacement ratio (ar), slenderness ratio (Sr), and embedment depth of piers (df). The coefficient of determination of the GEP۲ model, and the GEP۴ model is ۰.۹۲۱ and ۰.۹۴۲, respectively. Besides, comparing the GEP۴ model of this research with the developed models of previous studies confirms the superior performance of the GEP۴ model, considering both the accuracy and number of input parameters. The results of sensitivity analysis showed that the undrained shear strength of clay (Su), replacement ratio (ar), slenderness ratio (Sr), and embedment depth of piers (df) have the highest impact on the prediction of bearing capacity, respectively. Furthermore, the parametric analysis demonstrated that increasing the Su, ar, Sr, and df would improve the bearing capacity of the aggregate piers reinforced clay.


Ali Reza Ghanizadeh

Department of Civil Engineering, Sirjan University of Technology, Iran.

Farzad Safi Jahanshahi

Department of Civil Engineering, Sirjan University of Technology, Iran.

Saber Naser Alavi

Department of Civil Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

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  • . Nicholson PG (۲۰۱۴) Soil improvement and ground modification methods. ...
  • . Alavi AH, Gandomi AH, Nejad HC, et al (۲۰۱۳) ...
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