Development of ۱a and ۳a HCV genotyping based on ۵-UTR region by Hybridization probe Realtime-PCR

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 72

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 اسفند 1402

چکیده مقاله:

HCV with millions of patients is one of the leading causes of liver cell cancer and liver cirrhosis. Based on the nucleotide differences, HCV has several types that play an important role in response to treatment. this study aims to develop a fast and accurate way to identify the most common genotypes of this virus in Iran based on the ۵´-UTR region using probe hybridization method. In this study, ۴۵ positive serum samples with a Titer of more than ۱۰۰۰U/mL, all of which were infected with genotypes ۱a and ۳a, were prepared from Golestan hospital. After designing and synthesizing the primers and probes, the system hybridization of the probe and the extraction of viral RNA with High Pure RNA Viral Extraction kit (Roche, Germany) the reaction optimization was performed. The results of the resulting genotyping were then compared with the initial results of the samples. The results obtained on the device showed that genotypes ۱a and ۳a have different melting point peaks with a difference of about ۲ degrees. Also, the results of the initial genotyping, which was based on the sequence determination of the ۵´-UTR region, are consistent with the results obtained in this study. Although the hybridization method of the probe developed in this study is not perfect and is not able to identify ۷ types of HCV, but despite the high frequency of ۱a and ۳a Genotypes in Iran (about ۹۰%) and the speed of reaction and its single-stage can be Use it for initial screening.


Ali Nazemi

The Partment of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences ,Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tonekabon, Iran

seyed pishkar

Islamic Azad University Tonekabon Branch: Tonekabon, mazandaran, IR