A۱c and FBS? Which is a reliable criterion to diagnose pre-diabetes?

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 87

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 اسفند 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: One of the most challenging and dangerous known chronic diseases is diabetes. Diabetes iswhen the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use insulin effectively in the cells. Pre-diabetes is anindication of higher than normal blood sugar levels (hemoglobin A۱c = ۵.۷ to ۶.۴, fasting blood sugar ۱۰۰ to۱۲۵ mg/dl), and people will soon develop type ۲ diabetes if not diagnosed on time. This study aimed to verifythe information of the Ministry of Health integrated system (Sib) and find the best diagnostic test for diagnosingpre-diabetes.Methods: This study is descriptive and cross-sectional. The research environment selected health centers inIsfahan City. To conduct the research, ۱۵۶ eligible people were randomly selected to enter the study using arandom number table. The list of people with pre-diabetes was extracted from the SIB system, and they werecontacted to go to the health center fasting. After obtaining written informed consent, a blood sample was takenfrom the patient and sent to the laboratory. The data was collected by performing relevant experiments. Dataanalysis was done using SPSS ۲۶ software.Results: The average age of the study participants was ۴۹.۱۹. ۷۲.۲% of the participants were women and ۲۸.۲%were men. The average fasting blood sugar of ۱۵۶ prediabetic people was ۹۹.۸mg/dl, and their averagehemoglobin A۱c was ۵.۶۹.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the information on the Sib system could be more reliable dueto the lack of updates. Also, the fasting blood sugar test (FBS) is unreliable for diagnosing pre-diabetes, and itis better to use the hemoglobin A۱c test for a definitive diagnosis


Mohammad Azadmanesh

Master's student, Student research committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Isfahan university of medical sciences,Isfahan, Iran

Mahrokh Keshvari

Associate Professor, Community Health Nursing Department, Nursing and Midwifery Research Center, Faculty ofNursing and Midwifery, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

Ziba Farajzadegan

Professors, Department of Community and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Isfahan University of MedicalSciences, Isfahan, Iran

Atefe Afshari

Assistant Professor of Health Education and Promotion Department of Community Health Nursing, School of Nursingand Midwifery Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran