Photodegradation of Ciprofloxacin, Acetaminophen, and Carbamazepine using g-C۳N۴-based materials for water treatment

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 70

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اسفند 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Recently, the use of photocatalytic materials has been suggested as a possible method for cleaning up the environment. A new photocatalyst for enhanced oxidation processes based on radicals is graphitic carbon nitride (g-C۳N۴), it is metal-free. g-C۳N۴ is a trendy two-dimensional (۲D) photocatalyst with a number of advantages, such as responsiveness to strong stability, low cost, and visible light. In the present review, the synthesis and characterization of g-C۳N۴-based photocatalysts are discussed, along with some of their delegate applications in the treatment of wastewater and water (such as acetaminophen, ciprofloxacin, and carbamazepine removal). Meanwhile, the various methods of modification, including doping, defect introduction, heterojunctions, nanocomposites, and so on, are briefly discussed. The associated mechanisms and pertinent discoveries are also examined. Finally, the difficulties, the need for additional study, and the use of g-C۳N۴-based hybrid membranes are underlined.Recently, the use of photocatalytic materials has been suggested as a possible method for cleaning up the environment. A new photocatalyst for enhanced oxidation processes based on radicals is graphitic carbon nitride (g-C۳N۴), it is metal-free. g-C۳N۴ is a trendy two-dimensional (۲D) photocatalyst with a number of advantages, such as responsiveness to strong stability, low cost, and visible light. In the present review, the synthesis and characterization of g-C۳N۴-based photocatalysts are discussed, along with some of their delegate applications in the treatment of wastewater and water (such as acetaminophen, ciprofloxacin, and carbamazepine removal). Meanwhile, the various methods of modification, including doping, defect introduction, heterojunctions, nanocomposites, and so on, are briefly discussed. The associated mechanisms and pertinent discoveries are also examined. Finally, the difficulties, the need for additional study, and the use of g-C۳N۴-based hybrid membranes are underlined.


Sogand Bahadori

Department of Chemistry, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran

Mohammadjavad Sharifianjazi

Department of Material Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Sara Eskandarinezhad

Department of Mining and Metallurgy, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran