Supply Chain Risk Management: Literature Review, Audit pricing of hard-to-read annual reports and sports organizations

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 115

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Supply Chain Risk Management: Literature Review, Audit pricing of hard-to-read annual reports and sports organizations, The risks associated with global supply chain management has created a discourse among practitioners and academics. This is evident by the business uncertainties growing in supply chain management, which pose threats to the entire network flow and economy. This paper aims to review the existing literature on risk factors in supply chain management in an uncertain and competitive business environment. These findings imply that while auditors exert additional effort to reduce the audit risk embedded in unclear annual reports, they do not charge a higher fee premium. We further show that the association between annual report readability and audit variables (i.e. audit fees and hours) is most salient at the initial engagement but becomes weaker as the auditor tenure increases. The findings of this paper contribute to the literature on the auditors’ reactions to the clarity of annual reports. One of the results of not paying attention to the establishment of the internal audit unit in the clubs is the repeated financial claims and lawsuits raised by the players and coaches against the clubs. Also, establishing a suitable environment for the efficiency and effectiveness of the facilities, establishing financial discipline and introducing the financial size of the club in a real way are the product of the appropriate accounting structure and the establishment of internal and operational audit units. Clubs should start structural reforms by employing capable human resources, especially in the financial and internal audit departments, and just as football teams are looking for big and famous players and coaches, they should attract skilled internal auditors and approve systems.

کلیدواژه ها:

Supply ، Chain Risk Management ، ، Audit pricing of hard-to-read annual reports and sports organizations


Farshid GANJI

۱Ph.D. in physical education, exercise physiology (cardiovascular and respiratory), Islamic Azad University, Amol branch

Farshad GANJI

*۲Business-Accounting and Finance Ph.D. (C) The student in the Institute of Social Sciences, University of İstanbul Arel, Istanbul, Turkey