A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Educational Technologies in Medical Education

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 100

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 آذر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Objectives Considering the contradictory evidence on the effectiveness of educational technologies, this meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the impact of these technologies on medical education. Data Sources This meta-analysis was conducted based on secondary analysis methods. The analysis included experimental and semi-experimental studies on the effectiveness of educational technologies in the medical education of Iran. The census sampling method was applied in this study, and ۵۴ studies were identified as relevant based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. For data collection, a researcher-made checklist consisting of three sections, i.e., bibliographic information, methodological information, and findings, was completed. Finally, the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software was used for analysis of data. Results Among different educational technologies, multimedia education, E-learning, and computer-mediated learning using compact discs and software packages had significant effects on medical education; therefore, use of these technologies was effective in medical education. According to our findings, multimedia education (effect size, ۱.۷۹۳) was considered to be the most influential virtual technology in medical education. In general, all educational technologies were effective in the medical education of Iran; however, their effectiveness was insubstantial. Considering the area under the normal curve, the average effectiveness of educational technologies was ۶۳% higher in the virtual education groups, compared to the controls without virtual education. Conclusions One of the most important issues in medical education and training is preparation of an engaging learning environment for students, which can be realized through a variety of educational technologies. However, for optimal effectiveness, complementary use of virtual technologies along with traditional methods or their integration in other educational approaches is suggested.


Afshin Mousavi Chelak

Payame Noor University, Isfahan, Iran

Hasan Kaviani

School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

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