ارزیابی تاثیر عصاره آبی قارچ شیتاکه بر زنده مانی باکتری پروبیوتیک بیفیدوباکتریوم بیفیدیوم و خواص فیزیکو شیمیایی در پنیر فتا طی مدت زمان نگهداری

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: فارسی
مشاهده: 119

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

هدف از این مطالعه ارزیابی تاثیر عصاره آبی قارچ شیتاکه بر زنده مانی باکتری پروبیوتیک بیفیدوباکتریوم بیفیدیوم و خواص فیزیکو شیمیایی در پنیر فتا طی مدت زمان نگهداری بوده است. در این مطالعه بررسی اثر عصاره  قارچ شیتاکه به میزان ۱ و ۵/۱ و ۲ درصد بر زنده­مانی باکتری­ پروبیوتیک بیفیدو باکتریوم بیفیدوم و ویژگی­های حسی و فیزیکوشیمیایی پنیر سین ­بیوتیک فتا در طی ۴۹ روز نگهداری بررسی شد. شمارش بیفیدو باکتریوم بیفیدوم  در پنیر پروبیوتیکی حاوی عصاره قارچ شیتاکه در روز صفر و ۴۹، در گروه حاوی ۱ و ۵/۱ و ۲ درصد عصاره قارچ به ترتیب از Log CFU/g ۹۹/۸ به ۹۶/۹ و از ۹۵/۸ به ۲۲/۱۰ و از ۰۲/۹ به ۰۱/۱۱ رسید(۰۵/۰P<).. استفاده از ۲ درصد عصاره قارچ در پنیر پروبیوتیکی باعث بهبود زنده­مانی باکتری بیفیدو باکتریوم بیفیدوم به میزان Log CFU/g ۹۹/۱ شد و این در حالی است که استفاده از ۵/۱ درصد عصاره  قارچ در مقایسه با ۱ درصد، باعث بهبود زنده­مانی باکتری پروبیوتیک به میزان Log CFU/g ۲۷/۱ و ۹۷/۰ شد. مطابق نتایج، در طول دوره نگهداری میزان اسیدیته و pH به ترتیب افزایش و کاهش یافت. همچنین افزودن غلظت های مختلف عصاره قارچ به پنیر پروبیوتیکی باعث بهبود بافت، عطر، طعم و افزایش رتبه­ی پذیرش کلی نمونه­ حاوی هر سه غلظت عصاره قارچ نسبت به دو گروه کنترل و پنیر پروبیوتیکی گردید (۰۵/۰P<). در مجموع، افزودن عصاره قارچ به پنیر پروبیوتیکی نسبت به گروه های کنترل، منجر به دریافت امتیازات بالاتر گردید. به طور کلی نتایج مطالعه نشان داد که افزودن عصاره قارچ شیتاکه باعث بهبود زنده­مانی باکتری­ پروبیوتیک در پنیر گردید. بنابراین کاربرد توام عصاره قارچ شیتاکه  به عنوان پری بیوتیک و پروبیوتیک­ها در پنیر و سایر محصولات لبنی می تواند  به عنوان اقدامی موثر و عملی در جهت بهبود سلامت مصرف کنندگان و افزایش ارزش غذایی محصولات توصیه می شود.


Michael Sobati

Graduated student in Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Amol University of Special Modern Technologies, Amol, Iran.

Hamidreza Kazemeini

Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Amol University of Special Modern Technologies

Rahem Khoshbakht

Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Amol University of Special Modern Technologies

مراجع و منابع این مقاله:

لیست زیر مراجع و منابع استفاده شده در این مقاله را نمایش می دهد. این مراجع به صورت کاملا ماشینی و بر اساس هوش مصنوعی استخراج شده اند و لذا ممکن است دارای اشکالاتی باشند که به مرور زمان دقت استخراج این محتوا افزایش می یابد. مراجعی که مقالات مربوط به آنها در سیویلیکا نمایه شده و پیدا شده اند، به خود مقاله لینک شده اند :
  • Nazari SM. Free amino acid profile and textural and sensory ...
  • Samira Y, Mostafa MT, Fakhri S. Studying microbial, physiochemical and ...
  • Shahidi F, Zhong Y. Bioactive peptides. Journal of AOAC international. ...
  • Rasdhari M, Parekh T, Dave N, Patel V, Subhash R. ...
  • Cross ML. Microbes versus microbes: immune signals generated by probiotic ...
  • Heenan CN, Adams MC, Hosken RW, Fleet GH. Survival and ...
  • Roller M, Femia AP, Caderni G, Rechkemmer G, Watzl B. ...
  • Khan M, Elango C, Ansari MA, Singh I, Singh AK. ...
  • Majeed M, Prakash L. Probiotics for health and wellbeing. Sabinsa ...
  • Pulusani SR, Rao DR. Whole body, liver and plasma cholesterol ...
  • Muniandy P, Shori AB, Baba AS. Influence of green, white ...
  • Hiva, milk tests and its products. University of Tehran Press. ...
  • Tamime AY. Fermented milks: a historical food with modern applications–a ...
  • Miniello VL, Brunetti L, Tesse R, Natile M, Armenio L, ...
  • Cummings JH, Macfarlane GT. Gastrointestinal effects of prebiotics. British Journal ...
  • Crittenden R, Bird AR, Gopal P, Henriksson A, Lee YK, ...
  • Shaghaghi M, Pourahmad R, Adeli HM. Synbiotic yogurt production by ...
  • Liong MT. Roles of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer ...
  • Guarner F, Khan AG, Garisch J, Eliakim R, Gangl A, ...
  • Di Criscio T, Fratianni A, Mignogna R, Cinquanta L, Coppola ...
  • Saad N, Delattre C, Urdaci M, Schmitter JM, Bressollier P. ...
  • Mohammadi R, Mortazavian AM. Technological aspects of prebiotics in probiotic ...
  • Poorahmad, Rezvan; Shaghaghi, Mitra (۲۰۱۵). The effect of inulin and ...
  • Miočinović J, Puđa P, Radulović Z, Pavlović V, Miloradović Z, ...
  • Gouveia L, Raymundo A, Batista AP, Sousa I, Empis J. ...
  • Sultana K, Godward G, Reynolds N, Arumugaswamy R, Peiris P, ...
  • Alsti, M. The effect of different concentrations of Spirulina platensis ...
  • Hassan OA, Song D, Ibrahim SA, Isikhuemhen OS, Shahbazi A, ...
  • Hassan OA, AbuGhazaleh AA, Ibrahim SA, Isikhuemhen OS, Awaisheh SS, ...
  • Banuree SA, Noori N, Gandomi H, Khanjari A, Karabagias IK, ...
  • Kazemeini H, Azizian A, Shahavi MH. Effect of chitosan nano-gel/emulsion ...
  • Kazemeini H, Azizian A, Adib H. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes ...
  • Noori N, Hamedi H, Kargozari M, Shotorbani PM. Investigation of ...
  • Faddaei V. ۱۹۹۵. Cheese Production,(dissertation), azad Islamic university,sciences and research ...
  • Abbasifar A, Akhondzadeh Basti A, Karim G, Misaghi A, Bokaee ...
  • National Standard of Iran (۲۰۰۶) Publications of the Institute of ...
  • Khanzadi S, Azizian A, Hashemi M, Azizzadeh M. Chemical Composition ...
  • Inhibitory Effect of Nano-gel/Emulsion of Chitosan Coating Incorporated with Ziziphora Clinopodioides Essential Oil and Nisin on Escherichia Coli O157:H7 Inoculated in Beef at Cold Storage Condition [مقاله ژورنالی]
  • Ibrahim SA, Carr JP. Viability of bifidobacteria in commercial yogurt ...
  • Nezami Mohammad Amin, Ehsani Mohammad Reza, Khosravi Darani Kianoosh, Sohrab ...
  • Sawangwan T, Wansanit W, Pattani L, Noysang C. Study of ...
  • Kitzberger CS, Smânia Jr A, Pedrosa RC, Ferreira SR. Antioxidant ...
  • Stanton,C. G. Gardiner, P. B. Lynch, J. K. Collins, G. ...
  • Vital AC, Goto PA, Hanai LN, Gomes-da-Costa SM, de Abreu ...
  • Dave RI, Shah NP. Ingredient supplementation effects on viability of ...
  • Talwalkar A, Miller CW, Kailasapathy K, Nguyen MH. Effect of ...
  • Vinderola CG, Reinheimer JA. Enumeration of Lactobacillus casei in the ...
  • Mehdizadeh T, Sheikhkanloui Milan H, Mojaddar Langroodi A. Viability of ...
  • Molan AL, Flanagan J, Wei W, Moughan PJ. Selenium-containing green ...
  • Grattepanche F, Miescher-Schwenninger S, Meile L, Lacroix C. Recent developments ...
  • Nazari SM. Free amino acid profile and textural and sensory ...
  • Samira Y, Mostafa MT, Fakhri S. Studying microbial, physiochemical and ...
  • Agricultural Research. ۲۰۰۷ Aug ۳۱;۲(۸):۳۶۵-۹ ...
  • Shahidi F, Zhong Y. Bioactive peptides. Journal of AOAC international. ...
  • Rasdhari M, Parekh T, Dave N, Patel V, Subhash R. ...
  • Cross ML. Microbes versus microbes: immune signals generated by probiotic ...
  • Heenan CN, Adams MC, Hosken RW, Fleet GH. Survival and ...
  • Roller M, Femia AP, Caderni G, Rechkemmer G, Watzl B. ...
  • Khan M, Elango C, Ansari MA, Singh I, Singh AK. ...
  • Majeed M, Prakash L. Probiotics for health and wellbeing. Sabinsa ...
  • Pulusani SR, Rao DR. Whole body, liver and plasma cholesterol ...
  • Muniandy P, Shori AB, Baba AS. Influence of green, white ...
  • Hiva, milk tests and its products. University of Tehran Press. ...
  • Tamime AY. Fermented milks: a historical food with modern applications–a ...
  • Miniello VL, Brunetti L, Tesse R, Natile M, Armenio L, ...
  • Cummings JH, Macfarlane GT. Gastrointestinal effects of prebiotics. British Journal ...
  • Crittenden R, Bird AR, Gopal P, Henriksson A, Lee YK, ...
  • Shaghaghi M, Pourahmad R, Adeli HM. Synbiotic yogurt production by ...
  • Liong MT. Roles of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer ...
  • Guarner F, Khan AG, Garisch J, Eliakim R, Gangl A, ...
  • Di Criscio T, Fratianni A, Mignogna R, Cinquanta L, Coppola ...
  • Saad N, Delattre C, Urdaci M, Schmitte ...
  • JM, Bressollier P. An overview of the last advances in ...
  • Mohammadi R, Mortazavian AM. Technological aspects of prebiotics in probiotic ...
  • Poorahmad, Rezvan; Shaghaghi, Mitra (۲۰۱۵). The effect of inulin and ...
  • Miočinović J, Puđa P, Radulović Z, Pavlović V, Miloradović Z, ...
  • Gouveia L, Raymundo A, Batista AP, Sousa I, Empis J. ...
  • Sultana K, Godward G, Reynolds N, Arumugaswamy R, Peiris P, ...
  • Alsti, M. The effect of different concentrations of Spirulina platensis ...
  • Hassan OA, Song D, Ibrahim SA, Isikhuemhen OS, Shahbazi A, ...
  • Hassan OA, AbuGhazaleh AA, Ibrahim SA, Isikhuemhen OS, Awaisheh SS, ...
  • Banuree SA, Noori N, Gandomi H, Khanjari A, Karabagias IK, ...
  • Kazemeini H, Azizian A, Shahavi MH. Effect of chitosan nano-gel/emulsion ...
  • Kazemeini H, Azizian A, Adib H. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes ...
  • Noori N, Hamedi H, Kargozari M, Shotorbani PM. Investigation of ...
  • Faddaei V. ۱۹۹۵. Cheese Production,(dissertation), azad Islamic university,sciences and research ...
  • Abbasifar A, Akhondzadeh Basti A, Karim G, Misaghi A, Bokaee ...
  • National Standard of Iran (۲۰۰۶) Publications of the Institute of ...
  • Khanzadi S, Azizian A, Hashemi M, Azizzadeh M. Chemical Composition ...
  • Inhibitory Effect of Nano-gel/Emulsion of Chitosan Coating Incorporated with Ziziphora Clinopodioides Essential Oil and Nisin on Escherichia Coli O157:H7 Inoculated in Beef at Cold Storage Condition [مقاله ژورنالی]
  • Ibrahim SA, Carr JP. Viability of bifidobacteria in commercial yogurt ...
  • Nezami Mohammad Amin, Ehsani Mohammad Reza, Khosravi Darani Kianoosh, Sohrab ...
  • Sawangwan T, Wansanit W, Pattani L, Noysang C. Study of ...
  • Kitzberger CS, Smânia Jr A, Pedrosa RC, Ferreira SR. Antioxidant ...
  • Stanton,C. G. Gardiner, P. B. Lynch, J. K. Collins, G. ...
  • Vital AC, Goto PA, Hanai LN, Gomes-da-Costa SM, de Abreu ...
  • Dave RI, Shah NP. Ingredient supplementation effects on viability of ...
  • Talwalkar A, Miller CW, Kailasapathy K, Nguyen MH. Effect of ...
  • Vinderola CG, Reinheimer JA. Enumeration of Lactobacillus casei in the ...
  • Mehdizadeh T, Sheikhkanloui Milan H, Mojaddar Langroodi A. Viability of ...
  • Molan AL, Flanagan J, Wei W, Moughan PJ. Selenium-containing green ...
  • Grattepanche F, Miescher-Schwenninger S, Meile L, Lacroix C. Recent developments ...
  • Nazari SM. Free amino acid profile and textural and sensory ...
  • Samira Y, Mostafa MT, Fakhri S. Studying microbial, physiochemical and ...
  • Agricultural Research. ۲۰۰۷ Aug ۳۱;۲(۸):۳۶۵-۹ ...
  • Shahidi F, Zhong Y. Bioactive peptides. Journal of AOAC international. ...
  • Rasdhari M, Parekh T, Dave N, Patel V, Subhash R. ...
  • Cross ML. Microbes versus microbes: immune signals generated by probiotic ...
  • Heenan CN, Adams MC, Hosken RW, Fleet GH. Survival and ...
  • Roller M, Femia AP, Caderni G, Rechkemmer G, Watzl B. ...
  • Khan M, Elango C, Ansari MA, Singh I, Singh AK. ...
  • Majeed M, Prakash L. Probiotics for health and wellbeing. Sabinsa ...
  • Pulusani SR, Rao DR. Whole body, liver and plasma cholesterol ...
  • Muniandy P, Shori AB, Baba AS. Influence of green, white ...
  • Hiva, milk tests and its products. University of Tehran Press. ...
  • Tamime AY. Fermented milks: a historical food with modern applications–a ...
  • Miniello VL, Brunetti L, Tesse R, Natile M, Armenio L, ...
  • Cummings JH, Macfarlane GT. Gastrointestinal effects of prebiotics. British Journal ...
  • Crittenden R, Bird AR, Gopal P, Henriksson A, Lee YK, ...
  • Shaghaghi M, Pourahmad R, Adeli HM. Synbiotic yogurt production by ...
  • Liong MT. Roles of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer ...
  • Guarner F, Khan AG, Garisch J, Eliakim R, Gangl A, ...
  • Di Criscio T, Fratianni A, Mignogna R, Cinquanta L, Coppola ...
  • Saad N, Delattre C, Urdaci M, Schmitte ...
  • JM, Bressollier P. An overview of the last advances in ...
  • Mohammadi R, Mortazavian AM. Technological aspects of prebiotics in probiotic ...
  • Poorahmad, Rezvan; Shaghaghi, Mitra (۲۰۱۵). The effect of inulin and ...
  • Miočinović J, Puđa P, Radulović Z, Pavlović V, Miloradović Z, ...
  • Gouveia L, Raymundo A, Batista AP, Sousa I, Empis J. ...
  • Sultana K, Godward G, Reynolds N, Arumugaswamy R, Peiris P, ...
  • Alsti, M. The effect of different concentrations of Spirulina platensis ...
  • Hassan OA, Song D, Ibrahim SA, Isikhuemhen OS, Shahbazi A, ...
  • Hassan OA, AbuGhazaleh AA, Ibrahim SA, Isikhuemhen OS, Awaisheh SS, ...
  • Banuree SA, Noori N, Gandomi H, Khanjari A, Karabagias IK, ...
  • Kazemeini H, Azizian A, Shahavi MH. Effect of chitosan nano-gel/emulsion ...
  • Kazemeini H, Azizian A, Adib H. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes ...
  • Noori N, Hamedi H, Kargozari M, Shotorbani PM. Investigation of ...
  • Faddaei V. ۱۹۹۵. Cheese Production,(dissertation), azad Islamic university,sciences and research ...
  • Abbasifar A, Akhondzadeh Basti A, Karim G, Misaghi A, Bokaee ...
  • National Standard of Iran (۲۰۰۶) Publications of the Institute of ...
  • Khanzadi S, Azizian A, Hashemi M, Azizzadeh M. Chemical Composition ...
  • Inhibitory Effect of Nano-gel/Emulsion of Chitosan Coating Incorporated with Ziziphora Clinopodioides Essential Oil and Nisin on Escherichia Coli O157:H7 Inoculated in Beef at Cold Storage Condition [مقاله ژورنالی]
  • Ibrahim SA, Carr JP. Viability of bifidobacteria in commercial yogurt ...
  • Nezami Mohammad Amin, Ehsani Mohammad Reza, Khosravi Darani Kianoosh, Sohrab ...
  • Sawangwan T, Wansanit W, Pattani L, Noysang C. Study of ...
  • Kitzberger CS, Smânia Jr A, Pedrosa RC, Ferreira SR. Antioxidant ...
  • Stanton,C. G. Gardiner, P. B. Lynch, J. K. Collins, G. ...
  • Vital AC, Goto PA, Hanai LN, Gomes-da-Costa SM, de Abreu ...
  • Dave RI, Shah NP. Ingredient supplementation effects on viability of ...
  • Talwalkar A, Miller CW, Kailasapathy K, Nguyen MH. Effect of ...
  • Vinderola CG, Reinheimer JA. Enumeration of Lactobacillus casei in the ...
  • Mehdizadeh T, Sheikhkanloui Milan H, Mojaddar Langroodi A. Viability of ...
  • Molan AL, Flanagan J, Wei W, Moughan PJ. Selenium-containing green ...
  • Grattepanche F, Miescher-Schwenninger S, Meile L, Lacroix C. Recent developments ...
  • Nazari SM. Free amino acid profile and textural and sensory ...
  • Samira Y, Mostafa MT, Fakhri S. Studying microbial, physiochemical and ...
  • Agricultural Research. ۲۰۰۷ Aug ۳۱;۲(۸):۳۶۵-۹ ...
  • Shahidi F, Zhong Y. Bioactive peptides. Journal of AOAC international. ...
  • Rasdhari M, Parekh T, Dave N, Patel V, Subhash R. ...
  • Cross ML. Microbes versus microbes: immune signals generated by probiotic ...
  • Heenan CN, Adams MC, Hosken RW, Fleet GH. Survival and ...
  • Roller M, Femia AP, Caderni G, Rechkemmer G, Watzl B. ...
  • Khan M, Elango C, Ansari MA, Singh I, Singh AK. ...
  • Majeed M, Prakash L. Probiotics for health and wellbeing. Sabinsa ...
  • Pulusani SR, Rao DR. Whole body, liver and plasma cholesterol ...
  • Muniandy P, Shori AB, Baba AS. Influence of green, white ...
  • Hiva, milk tests and its products. University of Tehran Press. ...
  • Tamime AY. Fermented milks: a historical food with modern applications–a ...
  • Miniello VL, Brunetti L, Tesse R, Natile M, Armenio L, ...
  • Cummings JH, Macfarlane GT. Gastrointestinal effects of prebiotics. British Journal ...
  • Crittenden R, Bird AR, Gopal P, Henriksson A, Lee YK, ...
  • Shaghaghi M, Pourahmad R, Adeli HM. Synbiotic yogurt production by ...
  • Liong MT. Roles of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer ...
  • Guarner F, Khan AG, Garisch J, Eliakim R, Gangl A, ...
  • Di Criscio T, Fratianni A, Mignogna R, Cinquanta L, Coppola ...
  • Saad N, Delattre C, Urdaci M, Schmitte ...
  • JM, Bressollier P. An overview of the last advances in ...
  • Mohammadi R, Mortazavian AM. Technological aspects of prebiotics in probiotic ...
  • Poorahmad, Rezvan; Shaghaghi, Mitra (۲۰۱۵). The effect of inulin and ...
  • Miočinović J, Puđa P, Radulović Z, Pavlović V, Miloradović Z, ...
  • Gouveia L, Raymundo A, Batista AP, Sousa I, Empis J. ...
  • Sultana K, Godward G, Reynolds N, Arumugaswamy R, Peiris P, ...
  • Alsti, M. The effect of different concentrations of Spirulina platensis ...
  • Hassan OA, Song D, Ibrahim SA, Isikhuemhen OS, Shahbazi A, ...
  • Hassan OA, AbuGhazaleh AA, Ibrahim SA, Isikhuemhen OS, Awaisheh SS, ...
  • Banuree SA, Noori N, Gandomi H, Khanjari A, Karabagias IK, ...
  • Kazemeini H, Azizian A, Shahavi MH. Effect of chitosan nano-gel/emulsion ...
  • Kazemeini H, Azizian A, Adib H. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes ...
  • Noori N, Hamedi H, Kargozari M, Shotorbani PM. Investigation of ...
  • Faddaei V. ۱۹۹۵. Cheese Production,(dissertation), azad Islamic university,sciences and research ...
  • Abbasifar A, Akhondzadeh Basti A, Karim G, Misaghi A, Bokaee ...
  • National Standard of Iran (۲۰۰۶) Publications of the Institute of ...
  • Khanzadi S, Azizian A, Hashemi M, Azizzadeh M. Chemical Composition ...
  • Inhibitory Effect of Nano-gel/Emulsion of Chitosan Coating Incorporated with Ziziphora Clinopodioides Essential Oil and Nisin on Escherichia Coli O157:H7 Inoculated in Beef at Cold Storage Condition [مقاله ژورنالی]
  • Ibrahim SA, Carr JP. Viability of bifidobacteria in commercial yogurt ...
  • Nezami Mohammad Amin, Ehsani Mohammad Reza, Khosravi Darani Kianoosh, Sohrab ...
  • Sawangwan T, Wansanit W, Pattani L, Noysang C. Study of ...
  • Kitzberger CS, Smânia Jr A, Pedrosa RC, Ferreira SR. Antioxidant ...
  • Stanton,C. G. Gardiner, P. B. Lynch, J. K. Collins, G. ...
  • Vital AC, Goto PA, Hanai LN, Gomes-da-Costa SM, de Abreu ...
  • Dave RI, Shah NP. Ingredient supplementation effects on viability of ...
  • Talwalkar A, Miller CW, Kailasapathy K, Nguyen MH. Effect of ...
  • Vinderola CG, Reinheimer JA. Enumeration of Lactobacillus casei in the ...
  • Mehdizadeh T, Sheikhkanloui Milan H, Mojaddar Langroodi A. Viability of ...
  • Molan AL, Flanagan J, Wei W, Moughan PJ. Selenium-containing green ...
  • Grattepanche F, Miescher-Schwenninger S, Meile L, Lacroix C. Recent developments ...
  • Nazari SM. Free amino acid profile and textural and sensory ...
  • Samira Y, Mostafa MT, Fakhri S. Studying microbial, physiochemical and ...
  • Agricultural Research. ۲۰۰۷ Aug ۳۱;۲(۸):۳۶۵-۹ ...
  • Shahidi F, Zhong Y. Bioactive peptides. Journal of AOAC international. ...
  • Rasdhari M, Parekh T, Dave N, Patel V, Subhash R. ...
  • Cross ML. Microbes versus microbes: immune signals generated by probiotic ...
  • Heenan CN, Adams MC, Hosken RW, Fleet GH. Survival and ...
  • Roller M, Femia AP, Caderni G, Rechkemmer G, Watzl B. ...
  • Khan M, Elango C, Ansari MA, Singh I, Singh AK. ...
  • Majeed M, Prakash L. Probiotics for health and wellbeing. Sabinsa ...
  • Pulusani SR, Rao DR. Whole body, liver and plasma cholesterol ...
  • Muniandy P, Shori AB, Baba AS. Influence of green, white ...
  • Hiva, milk tests and its products. University of Tehran Press. ...
  • Tamime AY. Fermented milks: a historical food with modern applications–a ...
  • Miniello VL, Brunetti L, Tesse R, Natile M, Armenio L, ...
  • Cummings JH, Macfarlane GT. Gastrointestinal effects of prebiotics. British Journal ...
  • Crittenden R, Bird AR, Gopal P, Henriksson A, Lee YK, ...
  • Shaghaghi M, Pourahmad R, Adeli HM. Synbiotic yogurt production by ...
  • Liong MT. Roles of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer ...
  • Guarner F, Khan AG, Garisch J, Eliakim R, Gangl A, ...
  • Di Criscio T, Fratianni A, Mignogna R, Cinquanta L, Coppola ...
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  • نمایش کامل مراجع