Circ - Dnmt۱: A potential prognostic indicatorfor invasion in breast cancer

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 57

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women andthe second most common disease overall. This polygenic diseasehas a wide range of histology and clinical symptoms. Importantstudy areas include finding the biomarkers connectedto diagnosis, forecasting treatment outcomes, and disease prognosis.Epigenetic changes can cause tumor suppressor genes tobe silenced, and DNA methylation is the most common epigeneticmodification. DNA methyltransferase ۱ (DNMT۱) isnecessary for preserving DNA methylation patterns throughoutcellular replication. A growing body of evidence suggests thatDNMT۱ plays an oncogenic role in a number of cancers, includingBreast Cancer.Circular RNAs, also known as CircRNAs, are a class of RNAsthat have recently caught the interest of researchers due totheir unique structural and functional properties and potentialas cancer biomarker candidates. By attaching to RNA-relatedproteins, these RNAs function as miRNA sponges and controltranscription. These RNAs interact with miRNAs involved intranscription initiation and progression to regulate gene expressionat the transcriptional level.This study evaluated the expression of Circ-Dnmt۱ in theblood of breast cancer patients with a healthy control group.The data were evaluated after cDNA synthesis, designing andsynthesizing appropriate primers, and utilizing the Sybr GreenReal-Time RT-PCR technique to assess Circ-Dnmt۱ expressionadjacent to the β-actin gene as a normalizer. RNA was isolatedfrom the blood of ۳۰ sick and ۳۰ healthy people for comparison.Finally, the computed data were analyzed using Mann-Whitneystatistical analysis and Livak's calculating method. The study'sfindings revealed an increase in Circ-Dnmt۱ expression in theblood of breast cancer patients compared to the healthy controlgroup, p۰.۰۰۱. Furthermore, the severity and advanced stage ofthe disease were connected to this increased expression. Thesedata suggest that Circ-Dnmt۱ should be studied further in relationto breast cancer invasion.


reza farzam

Islamic Azad University of Medical Science

mahdieh salimi

National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NIGEB)

pegah ghoraeian

Islamic Azad University of Medical Science

mitra ataei

National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NIGEB)