Recent advances in biosensors for detection of breast cancer

  • سال انتشار: 1402
  • محل انتشار: اولین کنگره بین المللی ژنومیک سرطان
  • کد COI اختصاصی: CGC01_069
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 123
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Raziyeh Sedighfar

Bachelor of Nutrition Sciences, Varastegan University of MedicalSciences, Mashhad, Iran

fatemeh bidram

Bachelor of Health Information Technology, University of MedicalSciences, Tehran, Iran

malihe ranjbar moghaddam

Master of Operating Room, Mazandaran University of MedicalSciences, Mazandaran, Iran

zahra heidari

Bachelor of Nursing, Shahed University of Medical Sciences,Tehran, Iran

ghazaleh amini

Bachelor of Microbiology, Falavarjan University, Isfahan, Iran.

saiymeh mazarzaei

Master of Crirical Care Nursing, Kerman University of MedicalSciences, Kerman, Iran


Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, causingthousands of deaths worldwide. Currently, mammography,magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and tissue biopsy arethe main diagnostic techniques for breast cancer diagnosis.Compared with above methods, detection of breast cancer tumormarkers using biosensor is more efficient and less expensive.Recently, biosensor-based diagnostic technology for earlydetection of various types of cancer and other non-cancerousdisorders has attracted considerable attention due to the advantagesof high sensitivity and speed, cost-effectiveness, and easyinterpretation. This review would provide new avenues for thedevelopment of biosensor based diagnostic technology for thedetection of biomarkers associated with breast cancer.In the upcoming systematic review, Scopus, PubMed, GoogleScholar and ProQuest databases were used to cite and collectstudies. These studies were collected and used using keywordsduring the years ۲۰۱۷-۲۰۲۲. A total of ۱۵ articles were analyzed.Tumor markers are used throughout the entire breast cancerdiagnosis and treatment process, from early detection, treatmentoptions, disease progression, cancer stage, drug resistance,prognosis assessment, etc. However, there is still no tumormarker that could effectively predict breast cancer beforeclinical symptoms. The high sensitivity and specificity of tumormarkers still need further study. The development of biosensorsalso faces opportunities and challenges. In terms of the targetsdetected, the biosensor is capable of detecting the full class oftumor markers rather than being limited to breast cancer tumormarkers. This is because the essence of different cancer markersare proteins, DNAs, cells, and exosomes. But these methodsalso face challenges, which briefly include improving sensitivity,enhancing specificity, multi-target detection simulating, andsimplifying operations

کلیدواژه ها

breast cancer, biosensors, detection, diagnosis,technology

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