Antlion Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Self-Scheduling Unit Commitment in Power System Under Uncertainties
سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 121
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 آبان 1402
چکیده مقاله:
optimal and economic operation is one of the main topics in power systems. In this paper, a stochastic single objective framework for GenCoʼs optimal self-scheduling unit commitment under the uncertain condition and in the presence of SH units is proposed. In order to solve this problem, a new meta-heuristic optimization technique named antlion optimizer (ALO) has been used. Some of the capabilities of the ALO algorithm for solving the optimization problems included : (۱) the exploration and utilization, (۲) abiding convergence, (۳) capable of maintaining population variety, (۴) lack of regulation parameters, (۵) solving problems with acceptable quality. To approximate the simulation conditions to the actual operating conditions, the uncertainties of the energy price, spinning and non-spinning reserve (operating services) prices, as well as the renewable energy resources uncertainty, are considered in the proposed model. The objective function of the problem is profit maximization and modeled as a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem. The proposed model is implemented on an IEEE ۱۱۸-bus test system and is solved in the form of six case studies. Finally, the simulation results substantiate the strength and accuracy of the proposed model.
کلیدواژه ها:
Antlion optimization algorithm ، Hydro-thermal self-scheduling ، Price uncertainty ، WP and PV power uncertainty ، SH power plant
M.R. Behnamfar
Department of Electrical Engineering, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful,
H. Barati
Department of Electrical Engineering, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful,
M. Karami
Department of Electrical Engineering, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
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