The Effect of Lactation Psychoeducation Using a Video-Based Comprehensive Model on the Level of Anxiety of Mothers in Breastfeeding
سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 102
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 مهر 1402
چکیده مقاله:
Aims. Community behavior regarding culture and myths about breastfeeding needs to be changed through a psychological approach to providing education or known as psychoeducation. The myth of breastfeeding is a legacy that has been passed down from generation to generation, so in overcoming this problem it is necessary to involve the family, both parents and husband. In line with the increasingly rapid development of information technology, the implementation of psychoeducation can be carried out digitally without having to meet face-to-face with resource persons. This research aims to analyze the effect of lactation psychoeducation using a comprehensive video-based model on maternal anxiety levels in breastfeeding. Materials and Methods. Quasi-experimental research with a pre-posttest only group design. The population is all postpartum mothers in the working areas of Surabaya City Health Centers, namely Central Surabaya, West Surabaya, East Surabaya, North Surabaya, and South Surabaya within a period of ۲ months (June – August ۲۰۲۳). The sample size used the total population, namely ۲۱۳ respondents. The instrument used was the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire to measure anxiety before and after providing lactation psychoeducation. Data analysis using the paired T-test. Findings. There is a significant effect of lactation psychoeducation using a comprehensive video-based model on anxiety levels in breastfeeding with a p-value of ۰.۰۰۰. Conclusion. Lactation psychoeducation using a comprehensive video-based model influences anxiety levels in breastfeeding. It is hoped that these findings can become recommendations for stakeholders to implement lactation psychoeducation for breastfeeding mothers by involving their families in supporting successful breastfeeding
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