New report of Protankyra psudodigitata Semper, ۱۸۶۷ (Holothuroidea: Apodida) from Persian Gulf, Boushehr with note on its taxonomic features

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 95

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 شهریور 1402

چکیده مقاله:

This paper is a new report of a Holothuroidea (Apodida: Synaptidae: Protankyra) Protankyra psudodigitata from Persian Gulf. Specimen was collected by a Van Veen Grab from subtidal soft bottoms in May ۲۰۱۶. The specimen recorded was small measuring ۱۲ mm in length, body worm-like in shape with microscopic ossicles orientated in the body wall. The size and shape of ossicles are Characteristic of species and found similar to previous reports of P. psudodigitata. The present study describes the taxonomic diagnoses of identified species bases on morphological characters.


Soroor Peyghan

khorramshahr university of Marine Science and technology

B. Doost-Shenas

Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Iran

M.T. Ronagh

Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Iran

M.B. Nabavi

Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Iran

A. Ashtari-Larki

University of Marine Science and Technology, Iran

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