Comparison of genes involved in fungal ergosterol (ERG) biosynthesis in Candida albicans resistant to fluconazole and amphotericin B

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 138

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 مرداد 1402

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Candida albicans is the main cause of invasive fungal infections. Usually, antifungal drugs such asfluconazole and amphotericin B are used to treat candidal infections. But the high use of currentantifungal drugs increases drug resistance among Candida species. Ergosterol is the main componentof the sterol membrane of the cell and is also responsible for maintaining the function and integrity ofthe yeast cell.materials and ways :To evaluate the drug sensitivity by disc diffusion method, from standard samples and ۱۰۰ clinicalisolates of Candida albicans, a cell suspension of ۱ x ۱۰۶ cells in one milliliter of physiological serumwas prepared and placed on Mueller Hinton agar medium containing ۲% glucose and methylenesupplements. Blue should be cultured at a rate of ۰.۵ μg/ml with a sterile swab. After ۲۵ microgramsof fluconazole discs are placed in the center of each plate after ۱۵ minutes, and the plates areincubated at ۳۵ degrees Celsius for ۲۴ hours. Finally, the plates were examined and measured in termsof halo diameter according to the CLSI standard using calipers.findings :Studying the effect of the best drug concentration on inhibiting the production of ERG genes atdifferent MICs on the abundance of the studied genes using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)method and after extracting RNA according to the manufacturer's instructions of the extraction kit anddesigning specific primers for the genes The abundance of genes was measured and the effect ofdrugs on the abundance of the desired genes was evaluated according to standard formulas.Conclusion :This drug is one of the most important antifungal drugs used for both prophylaxis and treatment ofcandidiasis. According to the increasing use of this antifungal, researchers believe that the use of thisdrug has increased its resistance among Candida species in the last two to three decades.


Saber Noushadi

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology, Faculty of Basic Sciences,Islamic Azad University of Gachsaran

Fariba Soltani

Assistant Professor, Department of Polymer Engineering, Technical and Engineering Faculty,Shahreza Islamic Azad University