Improving efficiency of long distance passenger railway traffic planning using the digital twins technology

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 72

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 مرداد 1402

چکیده مقاله:

To increase efficiency of planning long-distance passenger railway traffic it is proposed to consider it as a decision-making procedure for synchronous interaction of all organizational units involved in the planning process. Relevant data for tasks’ solution (planning of route, traction service, water charging at servicing points; search for cars for train composition, etc.) at every step of traffic planning have different composition on input and output points for the possible use by other organizational units for their purposes.Consecutive check of compliance with requirements of traffic planning stages is rather labor consuming. Important is that alteration of one parameter of an existing transportation service offer may require rechecking of the whole sequence of stages due to altered input parameters for the corresponding stages in the planning process.Transportation planning efficiency improving may be accomplished by use of digital twins that assume a single cohesive model of data for the entire transportation organization process. This approach provides the use of related “sets” of data on every stage of planning process for checking of new transport service planning alternatives with given parameters, which require significantly less time and efforts. Moreover, abovementioned approach can also be applied to the tasks that require checking of parameter alteration possibilities for the existing transport service offers, which accelerates the checking process for these new conditions’ application possibilities.The oral presentation will give details about application of digital twin technology for long-distance passenger railway traffic planning; highlight and justify planning process stages that allow increasing of the entire process’ effectiveness that are secured by application of the new technology. The list of the tasks to be solved to make the use of digital twin technology possible for long-distance passenger railway traffic planning will also be presented.


Andrey Sokolovskiy

Deputy Head of the Project Management Department, Research Center “Express”, Joint Stock Company “Railway Research Institute” (JSC “VNIIZHT”), Moscow, Russian Federation