Seed coating using biochar and modified Bacillus licheniformis

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 174

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 اسفند 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Crop establishment is the most important phenological stage in the crop life cycle controlled by seedquality before planting. From harvesting to planting, a range of factors including genetics and prevailingenvironmental conditions can have a significant impact on seed quality. The seed industry can causeabout ۱۵ to ۲۰ percent increase in crop yields The use of certain physical, chemical, or biologicalcompounds directly on the surface of a natural seed and the creation of coatings on the seed improves thegermination stages. In addition, seed coating is an attractive tool to improve crop yield. By advancing thechallenges facing agricultural systems, the importance of strengthening seed cover becomes morepronounced. Biochar's physicochemical properties are suitable for microbial growth and can be analternative to peat (peat moss), the most common carrier of solid insemination. One way to cover seeds isto cover using plant growth-promoting bacteria. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) arerhizosphere bacteria that can increase plant growth by different mechanisms. One of these bacteria isBacillus licheniformis. This bacterium has the ability to produce growth hormones auxin and gibberellin.Meanwhile, B. licheniformis sb۳۰۸۶ has been introduced as a biocide. This bacterium is resistant to ionicirradiation and is able to survive after radiance. This study suggests genetic variations using ionicirradiation to B.licheniformis strains to strengthen plants' growth-assisted properties and then bindingthem to biochar and seed coating with with a biochar and bacteria mixture.

کلیدواژه ها:

Bacillus licheniformis ، Biochar ، Ion irradiation ، Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria


Sima Azadmanesh

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food Industries, Science & Research Branch, IslamicAzad University, Tehran, Iran