Relation between Osteocalcin and Metabolic profils in Overweight men: Comparison of aerobic and resistance trainings

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 280

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 آبان 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Objectives: Recent studies have shown that exercise by affecting bones causes the release of hormones that are effective in regulating blood glucose, lipid profile and preventing vascular calcification. The present study aims to Comparison effect of aerobic and resistance exercises on Osteocalcin and Metabolic Profils in Overweight men.Methods: total of ۳۳ overweight healthy men (BMI ۲۹ = ۶۷.۹۶ ± ۰.۹۶ and age ۳۳.۲ ± ۲.۲۳) were randomly assigned into three groups: control (n = ۱۱), aerobic (n = ۱۱) and resistance exercise (n = ۱۱) groups. The training program was conducted for ۸ weeks, ۳ sessions per week for the training groups. Body compositions parameters (weight, body fat percent, BMI) were analysed, osteocalcin and blood biochemical parameters were assessed from fasting blood samples before and after ۸-week exercise programme.Results: Body fat, BMI and body weight reduction following exercise (P<۰/۰۵), significantly increased serum Osteocalcin (P<۰/۰۵, baseline vs Post exercise) and blood biochemical parameters significantly changes (P < ۰/۰۵). Increase in osteocalcin had a negative correlations with changes in body composition, as well as HOMA-IR and HDL, LDL not significantly (all P > ۰/۰۵).Conclusion: Aerobic and Resistance exercis cause to changes in body weight, body fat, BMI, as well as the increase level of osteocalcin and improvement of glucose metabolism and lipid profiles. However, the difference between the two training groups was not statistically significant.


Mehdi rostamizadeh

Assistant professor in exercise physiology, Department of physical education, Islamic Azaduniversity of Ahar branch, Ahar, Iran,

Alireza elmieh

Associate professor in exercise physiology, Department of physical education, Islamic Azaduniversity of Rasht branch, Rasht, Iran,

Farhad rahmani nia

Professor in exercise physiology, Department of physical education, university of Guilan,Rasht, Iran,

Tayebe javan

Masters of physical education, Department of physical education, Islamic Azad university ofAhar branch, Ahar, Iran