Personalized medicine in patients with colorectal liver metastases

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 279

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 شهریور 1401

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BackgroundThe precision Medicine initiative is a new research exertion intending to offer personalized medicine in many illnesses, including cancer. The purpose of the current article is to offer novel insights about the role of personalized medicine in patients with colorectal liver metastases (CRLM).ExperimentalAn assess the writing in regards to personalized medication and cancer in patient with colorectal liver metastases was performed in the MEDLINE/PubMed database.Result and discussion Surgical resection remains the main hope for a cure of CRLM. Worked on surgical scheme to improve remnant liver volume are as of late presented and making progress. Following resection of CRLM scoring methods have been evolved by amalgamated certain preoperative factors, for example, microsatellite instability KRAS expression and sensitivity to immunotherapy with programmed Death-۱ inhibitor.conclusionMultidisciplinary management of patients with CRLM has particularly added to survival. While the most recent quite a few years have been described by these significant developments, future advances for patients with CRLM will rely upon a superior comprehension of genomics and molecular biology to promote with the portrayal of a specific tumor "identity" so that individualized therapy for each CRLM patient turns into the rule, and not the exception.StartGenetics and molecular profiling of tumor specimens has uncovered likely focuses for personalized anticancer therapy and seen a shift toward an arising molecular taxonomy of cancer. [۱] Genomics and molecular biology are given uncommon opportunities to uncover the basic genetic pathways driving malignancy and are speeding up the advancement of personalized treatment methodologies. In the same way as other tumors, colorectal liver metastasis (CRLM) is an uncommon heterogeneous malignant disease presumably because of variations in genomic profile, molecular and signal transduction network, and microenvironment discrepancies. [۲] Multidisciplinary approach for liver metastases at present addresses the best methodology in the management of patients with colorectal cancer. The role of a surgery in CRLM patients:Surgical resection remains the main hope for a cure of CRLM. In spite of the fact that surgery is related to a low-operative mortality of ۱%-۲%, [۳] long-term survival is variable relying upon the period from which the information is variable for and the underlying patient population. [۴] R۰ resection, joined with modern systemic therapy, stays the foundation for increasing ۵-year survival that presentational approaches ۵۰%-۶۰%. [۵] Worked on surgical strategies to optimize remainder liver volume like portal vein embolization (PVE), two-stage hepatectomy, Associating Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged hepatectomy, and the widespread adoption of parenchymal sparing resection have permitted hepatectomy to be presented to more patients who have a greater tumor burden and more widespread disease. [۶-۸] notwithstanding this, numerous patients are not candidates for resection due to clinical or technical reasons (severe comorbidities, extensive intrahepatic multifocal disease, unresectable extrahepatic disease, etc.). [۹] Furthermore, even among patients resected for cure, disease repeat happens in up to ۷۰% of patients, frequently during the initial three years after surgery. [۴] At the point when recurrence is intrahepatic just, repeat hepatic resection might be feasible, in any case, "true" long-term cure stays hard to accomplish. [۸] Predictive models in CRLM patientsFollowing resection of CRLM, morphologic criteria are normally used to anticipate which patients have more aggressive disease and are, accordingly, bound to experience recurrence and have worse long-term survival. Scoring system depends on these clinicopathological factors generally have included preoperative factors, for example, primary tumor stage, carcinoembryonic antigen levels, number of liver metastases, presence of extrahepatic disease, as well as other factors. [۱۰] In spite of the fact that scoring systems have developed by consolidating certain preoperative factors, these have been conflicting in precisely deciding anticipation. Microsatellite instability (MSI) is considered a promising component that might could potentially enable identification of patients who might profit from the chemotherapy and, specifically, immunotherapy with PD-۱ inhibitor therapy. [۱۱] The prescient worth of the MSI status in the palliative treatment remains, notwithstanding, controversial. [۱۲] Besides, there is a developing body of information published about the role of genomic and molecular biomarkers to predict prognosis following CRLM. [۱۳] The clinical effect of Kirsten ras (KRAS) mutation status among patients with CRLM has accumulated considerable interest with data from clinical trials noticing its possible role as a prognostic biomarker. [۱۴] A meta-analysis suggested that KRAS mutations were prognostic biomarkers associated with worse survival outcomes among CRLM patients undergoing hepatic resection. [۱۵] Our gathering has demonstrated that KRAS G۱۲V and G۱۲S mutations of codon ۱۲ were independent prognostic factors of worse overall survival. [۱۶] In a different report, KAS codon ۱۳ mutations, but not codon ۱۲ mutations, was related to a higher risk for overall extrahepatic recurrence and lung-specific recurrence. [۱۷] Thusly, data on specific KRAS mutations might assist with individualizing therapeutic and surveillance strategies for patients with resected CRLM. The optimal tumor-free margin width might even be influenced by underlying tumor biology. For example, although a ۱-to ۴-mm margin clearance in patients with wild-type Kirsten ras tumors was associated with improved survival, wider resection width did not give an extra survival advantage. In contrast, margin status, including a ۱-cm margin, did not improve survival among patients with mutKRAS cancers. [۱۸] As the matter of fact, an R۰ margin just provided a survival advantage to patients with wild-type Kirsten ras cancers. Tumor biology and not surgical technique determining prognosis. [۱۹] Patients with CRLM are treated with ۵-fluorouracil based chemotherapy commonly combined with oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) and/or irinotecan (FOLFIRI), as well as possibly targeted agents (i.e., bevacizumab, cetuximab, panitumumab, aflibercept, ramucirumab, or regorafenib). Response rates with fluorouracil-based regimens for metastatic disease range from ۲۵%-۵۰%. [۲۰] Presently, the choice of systemic treatment for CLRM is large "generally applied" with either FOLFOX or FOLFIRI dependent on comorbidities (e.g., diabetes, previous neuropathy, etc.) or anticipated toxicity. More "personalized" utilization of treatment is considerably more restricted (i.e., KRAS status for cetuximab, etc.) and still emerging (i.e., possible PD-۱ therapy for MSI high patients).Obstacles in the application of personalized medication in CRLM patientsFurther enhancements in results among patients with CRLM will require increased individualization and personalized medicine in patients with CRLM in a multidisciplinary setting (Fig۱). [۲۱]


Mohammadhossein Hooshangi

Faculty of pharmacy, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran

Aynaz Nouri

Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Noida, UP, India

Fatemeh Soleymani Lashkenari

Faculty of Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran