Traveling Strategies for Elite athletes during pandemic Covid-۱۹

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 87

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 شهریور 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Since athletes inevitably find themselves competing away from home, should understand that travel can effect both health and performance. Multiple factors of travel can affect performance, including jet lag, disruption of normal circadian rhythm, change in altitude, sleep deprivation and illness. Transmission of diseases observed in athletes is often preventable. Early detection, isolation, and treatment can significantly diminish athlete’ absence from sport events. There are a little standardized guidelines outlining feasible, preventable measures to protect both athletes and staff from contagious illnesses. Therefore, the purpose of this narrative was to highlight optimal prevention practices for transmission mitigation, with a particular focus on covid-۱۹ pandemic periods.Related recommendations elicited from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and peer-reviewed journals.Communicable illness prevention strategies begin with sufficient personal hygiene practices. Common area surface cleaning, spreading locker designation and a minimum distance from one another. Traveling brings with it risk of illness. While flight ventilation is superior to many alternative forms of transportation. Buses are also a high-risk environment for infectious disease spread. Hotel accommodations should be verified before occupation. Nutritional choices supporting immune function should be optimized. Minimizing sleep debt and attempting to mitigate the risks associated with large volumes of travel should be prioritized and finally, players and staff members should receive personalized, disease specific education and appropriate vaccinations.Providing a framework for communicable illness management and prevention is important when considering the effects on player health and performance. Containment of commonly observed communicable illnesses can be optimized with sufficient personal hygiene practices, common area surface cleaning recommendations, intelligent design for shared areas, travel and hotel considerations, as well as appropriate screening tools and isolation techniques. Therefore, team physicians should have knowledge of essential personnel medical histories in an effort to risk stratify staff members and players in the setting of any communicable disease.