Photocatalytic Degradation of Sumatriptan Succinate by ZnO, Fe Doped ZnO and TiO۲-ZnO Nanocatalysts

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 210

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 مرداد 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Pharmaceutical pollutants are toxic trace components in natural environment. In this work, removing of Sumatriptan Succinate from the contaminated water by photocatalytic degradation reaction was investigated. Nano particles of ZnO, Fe (۰.۰۱ and ۰.۰۵) doped ZnO and TiO۲-ZnO composites were constructed by co precipitation method and characterized by FTIR, XRD, XRF, TGA, FE-SEM, BET-BJH and UV-Vis spectroscopy methods. Then, the effects of various operating parameters of reaction temperature (۱۰ to ۸۰°C), reaction time (۱۵ to ۶۰ min), pH of solution (۴-۱۱), concentration of pharmaceutical pollutant (۸ to ۲۵ ᵡ۱۰-۶ M), dose of nanocatalysts (۰.۸ to ۴.۵ mg) and the stability or reusability of produced nanocatalysts on the degradation efficiency were studied. Based on the reported results, maximum degradation efficiency is about ۷۰% for Fe (۰.۰۵) doped ZnO with ۶۰ min reaction time, ۱.۵ mg catalyst weight and contaminating concentration of ۸ᵡ۱۰-۶ M.


Elahe Alizadeh

School of Chemistry, Damghn University. Damghan. Iran

Hadi Baseri

School of chemistry, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran