Time and Cost Estimates and Risk Assessment of Drilling with Simulation –A Case study for one of the Iranian Central Gas Fields

سال انتشار: 1386
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,289

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 خرداد 1391

چکیده مقاله:

Exploration and production companies face growing pressure to reduce drilling costs, time and risk. There are many elements contributing in estimating drilling time and cost, and many factors should be considered for assessment drilling risk. In this study, new rapid well planning, time, cost and risk assessment tool is used and conducted for one of the Iranian gas fields.More accurate geopressure prediction can lower cost, reduce problem and improve the safety of drilling operation. To predict more accurate pore pressure and fracture gradient for this gas field, Gamma Ray and Sonic log data of one of the offset wells are used in The Pore Pressure Prediction module within Interactive Petrophysics software. The pore pressure and fracture gradient are then converted for the new well based on geological structure of these wells.The time, cost and risk assessment capabilities of Osprey Risk software were tested on one of the offset wells with its’ actual design, using the standard workflow which require trajectory, pore pressure and fracture gradient as input. The recommendations from the analysis of the offset wells are then used with the new well proposal to develop a new well design in Osprey Risk. Various scenarios were created and designed with all drilling parameters at this stage and a well plan that has an acceptable level of risk, time and cost was determined in this study. This study showed Osprey Risk underestimates drilling time and cost for directional drilling in that specific field

کلیدواژه ها:


Amir Hamzavi

Graduate student of Drilling and production Engineering (M.Sc.), Petroleum University of Technology, Khosro Jonoobi st., Tehran, Iran

Abdolnabi Hashemi

Professor of Petroleum University of Technology, Department of Petroleum Eng., Petroleum University of Technology (PUT), Tehran,Iran

Siroos Zarei

Head of drilling programming, Iranian Central Oil Fields Company, Tehran, Iran

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