Evaluation of anxiety in women with breast cancer

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 221

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 اردیبهشت 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Objective: Mental disorders play an important role in the quality of life of women with breast cancer. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review the role of anxiety disorder in women with cancer from various domestic and foreign sources in the past few years.Materials and Methods: The present research method was review-library. Thus, the keywords of anxiety disorders, cancer and women in the search engines of Persian articles bank include Scientific Information Database (SID), Noormags, Magiran and Civilica and foreign articles bank including Google Scholar, PubMed, Springer Science, Science Direct and Scopus. The period ۲۰۰۰-۲۰۲۱ years was searched and selected articles were considered for this research.Results: The findings of the study indicate the numerous studies of domestic and foreign researchers on the subject of mental disorders in women with cancer. The results showed that anxiety, especially social anxiety, plays an important role in the lives of cancer patients.Conclusion: Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders in patients with breast cancer. Therefore, in order to improve the level of mental health of these patients, this disorder should be considered by mental health professionals.

کلیدواژه ها:


Zeinab Eslaminia

Master of Educational Psychology ،Shahre Kord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahre Kord, Iran

Fereshteh Akbari chavari

Master of Family Counselling, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

Atena Mirzaeiafshar

Master of Clinical Psychology, University of Ayatolah Amoli, Amol, Iran

Sara Shakeri

Master of general psychology, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khozestan, Iran