Impact of chin profile changes on perceived attractiveness by specialists and lay people

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 100

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 بهمن 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Background and aim: One of the most important reasons appealing orthodontic treatment or orthosurgery is the tendency to improve the face beauty. Since the main influence of orthodontic treatment is on the profile region particularly on the lower face therefore we focused chin. The aim of this study was to compare the perception of attractiveness among orthodontist, surgeon and lay people in case of vertical and horizontal changes in silhouette profile of chin. Materials and method: In the present research, we chose two standard profile pictures (a man and a woman) from reliable resources. Each picture have been changed to silhouette using Photoshop CS۲ program. Then we changed the chin position in vertical and horizontal dimensions for ۲mm incrementally. The range of changes in vertical dimension for man’s picture was between -۶ to +۶ and for women was between -۴ to +۴. Also in horizontal dimension, the range of changes in man’s pictures was from -۱۰ to +۱۰ and for woman’s picture was between -۸ to +۸. The observers received the PowerPoint file contained the images and a questionnaire which included the number of pictures and some relevant questions. They had ۳ minutes to give a score to each picture according to their judgement from ۱ to ۵, ۱ for the best and ۵ for the worst one. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics tests (Independent t-test, chi square and ANOVA and logestic regression model) at p<۰/۰۵ with SPSS ۱۹.Results: All groups found our normal profile as the best one. There were difference among findings of ۳ groups(P=۰.۰۰۲). When comparing ۲ groups, we did not find difference between omfs and orthodontists. Age and history of cosmetic procedures are factors that have significant effect on people’s perception.Conclusion: The beauty priority among ۳ groups are the same but generally there are significant differences between specialists and lay people.


‪Faegheh Gholinia

Assisstant professor, Oro-Maxillofacial Developmental Disease Resaerch Center ,Department of Orthodontics,Guilan university of Medical Sciences,Rasht,Iran

Ali Khalighi Sigaroudi

Assisstant professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Guilan University of Medical Sciences,Rasht,Iran

H. Hoormand

Dentist, Private