پیامدهای ناشی از بیماری کووید ۱۹

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: فارسی
مشاهده: 404

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 بهمن 1400

چکیده مقاله:

مقدمه: امروزه ویروس کرونا تمام مرزهای بین ­الملی را در­نوردیده و ظهور این ویروس ناشناخته، زندگی و سلامت میلیون ها انسان را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است. شیوع ویروس کرونا در جهان افزون بر اثرگذاری بر تمامی ابعاد سیاسی، اقتصادی و اجتماعی موجب ایجاد تاثیرات روانشناختی فراوان بر جوامع درگیر شده است.  روش کار: مقالات منتشرشده در پایگاه ­های اطلاعاتی Web of sience،pubmed ،Magiran Scopus ،Embase ،Google Scholar ،Science direct ،ProQuest و Scopus مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. واژگان مورد جستجو شامل شامل ویروس کرونا، اختلالات روانشناختی، استرس، اضطراب، افسردگی، وسواس، سلامت روانی و غیره بوده که در داده های پایگاه­ های اطلاعاتی ذکر شده در فاصله زمان سال ­های ۱۳۹۹-۱۳۹۸ (۲۰۲۰-۲۰۱۹) مورد جستجو قرار گرفتند. در مجموع ۶۵ مقاله، یافت شد که با حذف موارد مشابه، براساس معیارهای ورود و با استناد به گزارشات به روز شده، در نهایت ۲۳ مقاله وارد مطالعه گردید. یافته ها: یکی از مهم ترین تبعات همه گیری بیماری ویروس کرونا عوارض روانشناختی به جا مانده از آن است. فاکتورهای نگرانی در ارتباط با خطر ابتلای بیماری، وضعیت آینده شغلی و منابع درآمدزایی افراد و خانواده ها و همچنین دوران طولانی قرنطینه ی خانگی در بروز علائم روانشناختی در عموم مردم تاثیر گذار بودند. نتیجه گیری: سطح اضطراب ایجاد شده در دوران همه گیری ویروس کرونا به طور معنی داری تاثیر منفی بر خودکارآمدی و کیفیت سطح زندگی افراد داشت. شناسایی عواملی که موجب به خطر افتادن سلامت روانشناختی در افراد مختلف جامعه می شود ضروری است تا با استفاده از شیوه های مناسب درمانی بتوان سلامت روان افراد را بهبود بخشید.


فاطمه اخلاقی

Department of Health Psychology, Kashmar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashmar, Iran.

سید حمید ذوالجلالی مقدم

Department of Medical Physics, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

رضا شمس آبادی

Physics Department, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

مرتضی طالبی

. Department of Molecular biology and medical genetics, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

حوریه باقری

phd student educational psychology, allameh tabatabaei university, Tehran, iran

علی اکبر ثمری

Department of Health Psychology, Kashmar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashmar, Iran.

عماد پروانه اول

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

مراجع و منابع این مقاله:

لیست زیر مراجع و منابع استفاده شده در این مقاله را نمایش می دهد. این مراجع به صورت کاملا ماشینی و بر اساس هوش مصنوعی استخراج شده اند و لذا ممکن است دارای اشکالاتی باشند که به مرور زمان دقت استخراج این محتوا افزایش می یابد. مراجعی که مقالات مربوط به آنها در سیویلیکا نمایه شده و پیدا شده اند، به خود مقاله لینک شده اند :
  • منابع ...
  • Chan, J.F.-W., et al., A familial cluster of pneumonia associated ...
  • Wu, F., et al., A new coronavirus associated with human ...
  • Tavakoli, A., K. Vahdat, and M. Keshavarz, Novel coronavirus disease ...
  • Mehr News Agancy. Available from: mehrnews.com/xTjxV ...
  • Javadi, S.M.H., R. Marsa, and F. Rahmani, The Risk Factor ...
  • WHO, Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-۱۹ outbreak. ...
  • Akbari A, Ysefpoor N, Ahangari E, Samari A. An Investigation ...
  • Rezaei S, Sameni Toosarvandani A, Zebardast A. Effect of COVID-۱۹-induced ...
  • Wang, Y., et al., Study on the public psychological states ...
  • Mertens, G., et al., Fear of the coronavirus (COVID-۱۹): Predictors ...
  • Akgün, K.M., et al., Communication strategies to mitigate fear and ...
  • Dunn, C.G., et al., Feeding low-income children during the Covid-۱۹ ...
  • Nicola, M., et al., The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus ...
  • Menati H. the study of coronavirus pandemic on the global ...
  • Pellegrini, M., et al., Changes in weight and nutritional habits ...
  • Torres, S.J. and C.A. Nowson, Relationship between stress, eating behavior, ...
  • Mattioli, A.V., et al., Quarantine during COVID-۱۹ outbreak: Changes in ...
  • Moscadelli, A., et al., Fake news and covid-۱۹ in Italy: ...
  • Savarese, M., et al., COVID-۱۹ disease and nutritional choices: How ...
  • Allington, D., et al., Health-protective behaviour, social media usage and ...
  • Rovetta, A. and A.S. Bhagavathula, Covid-۱۹-related web search behaviors and ...
  • Butler, M.J. and R.M. Barrientos, The impact of nutrition on ...
  • Xu, Y., et al., The association between subjective impact and ...
  • Gao, C. and M.K. Scullin, Sleep health early in the ...
  • Xiao, H., et al., The effects of social support on ...
  • Xiao, H., et al., Social capital and sleep quality in ...
  • Ward, T. and T.A. Gannon, Rehabilitation, etiology, and self-regulation: The ...
  • Ward, T., S.M. Hudson, and T. Keenan, A self-regulation model ...
  • Gillespie, S.M., et al., Coping Using Sex During the Coronavirus ...
  • Adams, J.G. and R.M. Walls, Supporting the health care workforce ...
  • Boyraz, G. and D.N. Legros, Coronavirus disease (COVID-۱۹) and traumatic ...
  • de Paiva, L.C., et al., Burnout syndrome in health-care professionals ...
  • Edition, F., Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Am ...
  • Lai, J., et al., Factors associated with mental health outcomes ...
  • Lee, S.A., M.C. Jobe, and A.A. Mathis, Mental health characteristics ...
  • Restauri, N. and A.D. Sheridan, Burnout and posttraumatic stress disorder ...
  • Shanafelt, T.D., et al., Burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance ...
  • Shanafelt, T.D., et al. Changes in burnout and satisfaction with ...
  • Samari A, laeli A. Study of the relationship between personality ...
  • Eyni, S., M. Eebadi, and Z. Hashemi, Corona Anxiety in ...
  • Swatzyna, R.J. and V.K. Pillai, The effects of disaster on ...
  • Coronavirus (COVID-۱۹): What People With Breast Cancer Need to Know. ...
  • Miller, J.L. and G. Pescaroli, Psychosocial capacity building in response ...
  • Moghaddam, S.H.Z., H.R. Baghani, and S.R. Mahdavi, Construction and performance ...
  • Zoljalali Moghaddam, S.H., et al., A Review on the Application ...
  • Hamzehgardeshi, Z., et al., COVID-۱۹ as a Threat to Various ...
  • Haghbin, M., et al., Anxiety caused by new coronavirus (Covid-۱۹) ...
  • Abedi F, Minaei S, Mafi MH. Coronavirus Disease ۲۰۱۹ and ...
  • Chen, D., et al., Expert consensus for managing pregnant women ...
  • Durankuş, F. and E. Aksu, Effects of the COVID-۱۹ pandemic ...
  • Moradi F, Ghadiri A, Enjezab B. Telemedicine services for women ...
  • Shah, K., et al., Impact of COVID-۱۹ on the Mental ...
  • Jalali Nadoushan, A.H., et al., Difficulties and Concerns of a ...
  • Blendon, R.J., et al., The public's response to severe acute ...
  • Cava, M.A., et al., The experience of quarantine for individuals ...
  • Hawryluck, L., et al., SARS control and psychological effects of ...
  • Jeong, H., et al., Mental health status of people isolated ...
  • Lupi, D., et al. Transplant patients’ isolation and social distancing ...
  • Karlsson, L.C., et al., Fearing the disease or the vaccine: ...
  • Archana, R. and B. Varadharaju, The Corona care–Prevention is better ...
  • Delshad Noghabi, A., et al., Predictors of Covid-۱۹ Preventive Behaviors ...
  • Keyvanara, M., et al., Evaluating self-care barriers in prevention of ...
  • Bayani, F., A look at the responsibilities of governance in ...
  • Callaway, E., The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide. ...
  • Betsch, C., et al., Beyond confidence: Development of a measure ...
  • Thomson, A., K. Robinson, and G. Vallée-Tourangeau, The ۵As: A ...
  • Karlsson, L.C., et al., Fearing the Disease or the Vaccine: ...
  • منابع ...
  • Chan, J.F.-W., et al., A familial cluster of pneumonia associated ...
  • Wu, F., et al., A new coronavirus associated with human ...
  • Tavakoli, A., K. Vahdat, and M. Keshavarz, Novel coronavirus disease ...
  • Mehr News Agancy. Available from: mehrnews.com/xTjxV ...
  • Javadi, S.M.H., R. Marsa, and F. Rahmani, The Risk Factor ...
  • WHO, Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-۱۹ outbreak. ...
  • Akbari A, Ysefpoor N, Ahangari E, Samari A. An Investigation ...
  • Rezaei S, Sameni Toosarvandani A, Zebardast A. Effect of COVID-۱۹-induced ...
  • Wang, Y., et al., Study on the public psychological states ...
  • Mertens, G., et al., Fear of the coronavirus (COVID-۱۹): Predictors ...
  • Akgün, K.M., et al., Communication strategies to mitigate fear and ...
  • Dunn, C.G., et al., Feeding low-income children during the Covid-۱۹ ...
  • Nicola, M., et al., The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus ...
  • Menati H. the study of coronavirus pandemic on the global ...
  • Pellegrini, M., et al., Changes in weight and nutritional habits ...
  • Torres, S.J. and C.A. Nowson, Relationship between stress, eating behavior, ...
  • Mattioli, A.V., et al., Quarantine during COVID-۱۹ outbreak: Changes in ...
  • Moscadelli, A., et al., Fake news and covid-۱۹ in Italy: ...
  • Savarese, M., et al., COVID-۱۹ disease and nutritional choices: How ...
  • Allington, D., et al., Health-protective behaviour, social media usage and ...
  • Rovetta, A. and A.S. Bhagavathula, Covid-۱۹-related web search behaviors and ...
  • Butler, M.J. and R.M. Barrientos, The impact of nutrition on ...
  • Xu, Y., et al., The association between subjective impact and ...
  • Gao, C. and M.K. Scullin, Sleep health early in the ...
  • Xiao, H., et al., The effects of social support on ...
  • Xiao, H., et al., Social capital and sleep quality in ...
  • Ward, T. and T.A. Gannon, Rehabilitation, etiology, and self-regulation: The ...
  • Ward, T., S.M. Hudson, and T. Keenan, A self-regulation model ...
  • Gillespie, S.M., et al., Coping Using Sex During the Coronavirus ...
  • Adams, J.G. and R.M. Walls, Supporting the health care workforce ...
  • Boyraz, G. and D.N. Legros, Coronavirus disease (COVID-۱۹) and traumatic ...
  • de Paiva, L.C., et al., Burnout syndrome in health-care professionals ...
  • Edition, F., Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Am ...
  • Lai, J., et al., Factors associated with mental health outcomes ...
  • Lee, S.A., M.C. Jobe, and A.A. Mathis, Mental health characteristics ...
  • Restauri, N. and A.D. Sheridan, Burnout and posttraumatic stress disorder ...
  • Shanafelt, T.D., et al., Burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance ...
  • Shanafelt, T.D., et al. Changes in burnout and satisfaction with ...
  • Samari A, laeli A. Study of the relationship between personality ...
  • Eyni, S., M. Eebadi, and Z. Hashemi, Corona Anxiety in ...
  • Swatzyna, R.J. and V.K. Pillai, The effects of disaster on ...
  • Coronavirus (COVID-۱۹): What People With Breast Cancer Need to Know. ...
  • Miller, J.L. and G. Pescaroli, Psychosocial capacity building in response ...
  • Moghaddam, S.H.Z., H.R. Baghani, and S.R. Mahdavi, Construction and performance ...
  • Zoljalali Moghaddam, S.H., et al., A Review on the Application ...
  • Hamzehgardeshi, Z., et al., COVID-۱۹ as a Threat to Various ...
  • Haghbin, M., et al., Anxiety caused by new coronavirus (Covid-۱۹) ...
  • Abedi F, Minaei S, Mafi MH. Coronavirus Disease ۲۰۱۹ and ...
  • Chen, D., et al., Expert consensus for managing pregnant women ...
  • Durankuş, F. and E. Aksu, Effects of the COVID-۱۹ pandemic ...
  • Moradi F, Ghadiri A, Enjezab B. Telemedicine services for women ...
  • Shah, K., et al., Impact of COVID-۱۹ on the Mental ...
  • Jalali Nadoushan, A.H., et al., Difficulties and Concerns of a ...
  • Blendon, R.J., et al., The public's response to severe acute ...
  • Cava, M.A., et al., The experience of quarantine for individuals ...
  • Hawryluck, L., et al., SARS control and psychological effects of ...
  • Jeong, H., et al., Mental health status of people isolated ...
  • Lupi, D., et al. Transplant patients’ isolation and social distancing ...
  • Karlsson, L.C., et al., Fearing the disease or the vaccine: ...
  • Archana, R. and B. Varadharaju, The Corona care–Prevention is better ...
  • Delshad Noghabi, A., et al., Predictors of Covid-۱۹ Preventive Behaviors ...
  • Keyvanara, M., et al., Evaluating self-care barriers in prevention of ...
  • Bayani, F., A look at the responsibilities of governance in ...
  • Callaway, E., The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide. ...
  • Betsch, C., et al., Beyond confidence: Development of a measure ...
  • Thomson, A., K. Robinson, and G. Vallée-Tourangeau, The ۵As: A ...
  • Karlsson, L.C., et al., Fearing the Disease or the Vaccine: ...
  • نمایش کامل مراجع