Political Terms by APLL: Issues of Terminology Implantation and ‎Acceptability

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 206

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

The present study investigates the implantation of political science terminology approved by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature (APLL) in the Hamshahri corpus made up of news text from Hamshahri newspaper and their acceptability among MA students of English translation studies (ETS), English literature (EL), and Political science (PS). To conduct this research the frequencies of the political terms approved by the APLL with their competing terms were compiled from the corpus. For analyzing another group of terms without competing terms, ۹۰ MA students were purposively selected from the abovementioned majors. Accordingly, a ۶۰-item ۵-point Likert Scale questionnaire (including ۶۰ political terms) along with an open-ended question were administered. The implantation coefficients (IC) of the first group of the terms with competing terms indicate that the factors such as conciseness and derivative capabilities result in higher IC. The descriptive results indicated that around two third of the ETS and EL students agree with the APLL-approved political science terms, while less than half of the PS students accept these neologisms. Moreover, the Chi-Square test (value of ۹۲.۰۰۰, p= ۰.۰۰۰ < ۰.۰۵) revealed that there is a correlation between the level of agreement and the major. In addition, Cramer’s V test result with the value of ۰.۰۹۲ indicated a weak correlation between the academic major and the attitude. Finally, analysis of the open-ended question showed that conciseness, transparency, morphological well-formedness, and familiarity with neologisms were the main reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with them.

کلیدواژه ها:

APLL (Academy of Persian Language and Literature) ، Acceptability ، Neologism ، ‎Terminology ، Implantation


Akbar Hesabi

University of Isfahan

Zahra Amirian

University of Isfahan

Javad Nazari

University of Isfahan

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