Variation analysis of wheat F۳ lines produced by crossing between Azar۲ and ۸۷-Zhong۲۹۱ cultivars using RAPD method in drought stress condition

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 238

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 آذر 1400

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In order to analyze variation and find an efficient selection approach, we used crossing results between two wheat cultivars, Azar۲ and ۸۷-Zhong۲۹۱. F۳ plants (۳۷۴ lines) and four check cultivars planted in the form of augmented experiment. For germination, seeds were irrigated once. After using multiple statistics methods such as cluster analysis, ۷۹ different lines were selected and used for RAPD analysis with UBC۳ primer that hadproduced six polymorphic bands (۴۴۷ fragments in total). Jaccard's coefficient for parents was low (۰.۱۷). Therefore, Azar-۲ and ۸۷-Zhong۲۹۱ had extreme differences with each other. For the analysis of relationship between polymorphic bands and morphological characters, logistic regression was used. The majority of characters were not related to the bands but some of morphological characters, such as biological yield, plant height, main spike weight, ۱۰۰۰ grain weight and peduncle length showed a negative relation with some of polymorphic bands. Among them, seed number/spike trait had a positive relationship with a ۶۰۰bp band. This band could be used as a selection marker for seed number/spike trait.