Stress analysis of clamping components of a generator stator core

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 281

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 تیر 1400

چکیده مقاله:

In this paper, the design and analysis steps of the stator core components of an electric machine are examined. The role of these components is to sustain all the loads on the stator core under different conditions and transfer them to the machine frame. Inputs to be considered for the analysis of this set include load inputs (short-circuit torque, temperature, maximum seismic acceleration in different directions, transport acceleration, weight force, pretension of core connecting rings to frames, etc.), geometric inputs (initial model derived from the initial design, core clamping point, geometric constraints, etc.) and material properties (elastic and thermal properties of the stator core, properties of all components involved in the core retaining component set, the friction coefficient between different surfaces, etc.). By performing stress analysis on the set, stress state of parts, contact conditions and maximum displacements resulting from each load combination are obtained. These analyzes are performed based on the orthotropic nature of the machinecore and the application of fixed boundary conditions to the lower plates of the frame. The results show that for most components, the most critical stress and contact conditions occur under the load combination in which the short-circuit load is applied. Besides, a comparison of the results obtained from the analytical and finite element solutions for the reaction forces due to ring pretension shows that the analytical responses approach the finite element results in the location of the ring gaps


Mohsen Nikfar

۱Stationary Equipment Design Specialist, R&D Department, MAPNA Generator Engineering and Manufacturing (PARS), Karaj

Mojtaba Dehghani

۲Stationary Equipment Design Specialist, R&D Department, MAPNA Generator Engineering and Manufacturing (PARS), Karaj

Ashkan Rezaei

۳Head of Stationary Equipment Design, R&D Department, MAPNA Generator Engineering and Manufacturing (PARS), Karaj