Modeling and Optimization of the Eyring Equation by Pseudo Ideal Solution Model (PISM) to Predict the “Methyl Di-Ethanol Amine-Bmim PF۶” Solvent Viscosity in the CO۲ Capturing Pilot Plant

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 460

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 اردیبهشت 1400

چکیده مقاله:

The purpose of this study was to propose a new simulation model for calculation of the actualviscosity of the “Methyl Di-Ethanol Amine (MDEA)-[Bmim PF۶] ionic liquid solvent” in the CO۲capturing pilot plant. To do so, a combination of the Pseudo Ideal Solution Model and Eyring’s mixtureviscosity equation was implemented in the MATLAB software. We determined the viscosities of theMDEA-Ionic Liquid (IL) blends at different concentrations and various temperatures in the CO۲capturing pilot plant. The results were comparable to those obtained from the PISM-Eyring model,Eyring-Wilson method, S. Cheng & Meisen equation, Aspen Plus and Promax with eNRTL model thatpresented the actual viscosity values of the liquid solutions. The calculated solvent viscosity values withPISM-Eyring model at different temperature profiles were achieved using an Average AbsoluteDeviation (AAD %) of about ۲.۳۵% and ۲.۷۰% in absorber and desorber for solvent (MDEA=۴۰ wt.%& IL=۳۷.۲ wt.%) and ۲.۵۱% and ۲.۶۷% in absorber and desorber for solvent (MDEA=۴۵ wt.% &IL=۳۹.۳ wt.%), respectively. The consideration of a suitable model for the determination of viscosityhas a significant role in energy consumption in the CO۲ capturing pilot plant. An average absolutedeviation of about ۰.۷۱% for solvent (MDEA=۴۰ wt.% & IL=۳۷.۲ wt.%) and within ۰.۶۸% for solvent(MDEA=۴۵ wt.% & IL=۳۹.۳ wt.%) at high CO۲ feed. The results obtained from the PISM-Eyringsimulation model using the experimental data revealed a high degree of accuracy.


Mohamad Reza Jafari Nasr

Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Department, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Hamid Reza Kalatjari

Process Department, Sazeh Engineering Consultants, Tehran, Iran

Farzan Farahani

Process Department, Sazeh Engineering Consultants, Tehran, Iran