The Effectiveness of Hope Therapy base on Groups to increase the Components of Self-esteem and Psychological Health in Depressed People

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 342

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 اردیبهشت 1400

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Background and Objective: The aim of present study was to investigation the effectiveness of hope therapy base on groups to increase the components of Self-esteem and Psychological health in depressed people. Materials and Method: The method of this study was semi-experimental with pretest -posttest design with control group. The sample consisted of ۴۰ female high school students in Khorramabad city. Initially the Beck Depression Inventory was used randomly for ۷۳۰ students. Then ۴۰ subjects from population who were in abnormal level, according to criteria of clinical cut of point, (one standard deviation above the mean) were selected and structured clinical interview was administrated. Of these, ۲۰ subjects were selected randomly for experimental group and ۲۰ of them to the control group. The Hope Therapy administrated ۸ sessions that each session lasted ۹۰ minutes every week, one session. After completing sessions, post-test was administrated on experimental and control groups. Results: Based on the results of the analysis of covariance, there was a significant difference between the mean score in the posttest of experimental group and control group. (p<۰.۰۰۱). Conclusion: Hope therapy base on group therapy lead to increase the self- esteem and psychological health. So, it is appropriate to improve the life quality of depressed people, providing of educational services and hope promoting programs be accomplished with appropriate methods, such as learning base on problem solving with active engagement of peoples in discussions with a processed program. References ۱- Connor CR, Cassidy C. Predicting hopelessness: the interaction between optimism/pessimism and specific future expectancies. J Cog Emo. ۲۰۰۷ ۲۱: ۵۹۶-۶۱۳. ۲- WHO. 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معصومه موحدی

Dept. of Psychology, kharazmi University of Psychology and Education of Sciences, Tehran, Iran

کلثوم کریمی نژاد

Office of Counseling and Guidance, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khoramabad, Iran.

جلیل بابا پور خیر الدین

Dept. of Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

یزدان موحدی

Dept. of Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran