Approaches and thoughts on the issue of evil in the thought of Ibn Sina and Leibniz

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 296

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 اسفند 1399

چکیده مقاله:

One of the most complex philosophical and theological issues that has always been discussed throughout history and on the other hand has been the basis of atheism for some atheists, is the issue of the existence of evil in the world. Throughout history, the issue of evil has been discussed and thought by various thinkers. And different approaches and approaches to it have been expressed.Ibn Sina considers evil to be a non-existent thing that lacks the perfections necessary for charity, and Leibniz, based on Augustine's thought, has explained evil as a minimal thing in order to achieve charity.A study and comparison of the thoughts of Ibn Sina and Leibniz on the one hand as theologians of different schools of thought and also the existence of inter-religious differences and on the other hand as philosophical differences between Islamic philosophy and Western philosophy by two famous philosophers of these two schools The axis of evil can be an explanation for expressing the similarities and differences between the school and theology of these philosophers around the axis of evil. In this article, with a descriptive-analytical method and citing reliable sources, to examine the approaches to the problem of evil, the types of evil and the solutions mentioned in order to explain the evil by Ibn Sina and Leibniz, and finally to express the similarities and differences. The philosopher's thought revolves around the axis of evil.Ibn Sina and Lab Nits did not consider evil in contradiction with the attributes of benevolence, justice and absolute divine wisdom and did not express it as a disturbance in the good system of the world and stated the existence of evil as a necessity for gaining charity.


Abdullah HosseiniEskandian

University Student of Farhangian University

Yosef Moghadasi

Felecty Member of Farhangian University Muhammad MoradiShariati(University Student of Farhangian University