A Novel Optimal Design for Electrical Transmission Pylons Considering Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Human Body

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: فارسی
مشاهده: 278

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 اسفند 1399

چکیده مقاله:

This paper investigates relation and influence between electromagnetic fields generated by high voltage transmission lines and human health. A novel pylon with optimal phase arrangement through possible configuration is presented by optimizing a multi-objective cost function consists of the electric field, magnetic field, and the segments cost. For comparison between current pylons and the proposed pylon, the human model is placed below high voltage overhead lines and then electromagnetic fields and current density is simulated. Electromagnetic fields from overhead lines are calculated by using PLS-CADD and PLS-TOWER software based on Maxwell’s method. The human body is modeled by the Finite Element Method (FEM) in MATLAB. Results show that the new pylon decreases electromagnetic fields distribution on the human body andthis pylon also mitigates the right-of-way width by its special position of phase conductors.

کلیدواژه ها:

Electric and Magnetic Fields ، Optimization ، 400 kV Transmission lines ، Human Health ، Phase Arrangement. ، Electric and Magnetic Fields ، Optimization ، 400 kV Transmission lines ، Human Health ، Phase Arrangement.


علی اسداللهی

Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology

محسن اصیلی

Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology

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  • [1] G. Kulkarni and Dr.W.Z.Gandhare, “Proximity Effects of High Voltage Transmission ...
  • [2] Lemer. E.J. "Biological effects of electromagnetic field," IEEE Spectrum, vol. ...
  • [3] C. Garrido, A. F. Otero, J. Cidras, “Low-frequency magnetic fields ...
  • [4] J. Mokoena, P. H. Pretorius, P. T. Bhulose, A. A. ...
  • [5] R. Cruz, L. A. Dominques, A. M. Neto, C. R. ...
  • [6] CIGRE C4.205, “Characterisation of ELF magnetic fields”, CIGRE Tech. Brochure, ...
  • [7] Council recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general ...
  • [8] ERRI, Transmission line reference book 345 kV and above, Fred ...
  • [9] Deno, D. W. and L. E. Za®anella, “Electrostatic e®ects of ...
  • [10] R. N. W. Group, “A survey of methods for calculating ...
  • [11] R. M. Sarmento, “Electric and magnetic fields in overhead power ...
  • [12] H. Singer, H. Steinbigler, P. Weiss, “A charge simulation method ...
  • [13] “Environmental statement project need and alternatives”, Appendix 2k, document 2.6-5.2, ...
  • http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk ...
  • [14] S. Norasmah Mohtar, M.N Jamal, and M.Sulaiman, “Analysis of all ...
  • [15] Oman Cables industry (SAOG), “Overhead line conductors, OCI/PB OHL/REV.001/010311. ...
  • [16] R. Djekidel, “Optimum phase configuration and location of the aerial ...
  • [17] M. Luwen xu, Y. Li, J. Yu, X. Hou, Ch. ...
  • [18] A. A. Ponnle, K. B. Adedeji, B. T. Abe, A. ...
  • [19] E. Hojjati Najafabadi, S. M. Barakati, S. Tavakoli Afshar, ...
  • [20] M. A. Golkar, S. Hosseinzadeh, A. Hajizadeh, “Optimal multi-objective planning ...
  • [21] K. Deb, A. Pratap, S. Agarwal, T. Meyarivan, "A Fast ...
  • [22] K. Deželak, G. Štumberger, F. Jakl, “Arrangements of overhead power ...
  • [23] K.Deˇzelak, F.Jakl, G.ˇStumberger, “Arrangements of overhead power line phase conductors ...
  • [24] IEC 60826, “Design criteria of overheadline transmission lines”, 4rd ed., ...
  • [25] J.-M. Jin The finite element method in electromagnetics. 2nd Ed. ...
  • [26] P. B. Zou, “Numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ...
  • [27] A. A. Hossam-Eldin, Kamilia Youssef and Hanna Karawia, “investigations of ...
  • [28] M. Trlep, A. Hamler, M. Jesenik, and B. ¡Stumberger, “Electric ...
  • [29] A. H. Eldin, W. Mokhtar, E. M .Ali, “Effect of ...
  • [30] A. Antal, T.Z. Kincses, M.A. Nitsche, O. Bartfai, W. Paulus, ...
  • [31] F. Fregni, P.S. Boggio, M. Nitsche, Pascual-Leone A, “Transcranial direct ...
  • [32] M. A. Nitsche, S. Doemkes, T. Karakose, A. Antal, Liebetanz ...
  • [33] J. A. Williams, M. Imamura, F. Fregni, “Updates on the ...
  • [34] P.C .Miranda, M. Lomarev, M. Hallett, “Modeling the current distribution ...
  • [35] 14- K. Deb, A. Pratap, S. Agarwal, T. Meyarivan, “A ...
  • [36] S. S. Salas , A. G. Fonseca , F. A. ...
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