Persuasive design of dynamic facades for public buildings of Tehran for the purpose of air pollution reduction utilizing FBM

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 279

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 آبان 1399

چکیده مقاله:

Every year, a huge amount of environmental pollution, which is caused by fossil fuels, is created. The harmful results not only impress the lives of man of today, but also the future generations. The most important environmental issue of metropolitan cities, is air pollution. To solve this crisis in Tehran, lots of proceedings have been done which can be categorized into technological, cultural and educational actions. The first category is mostly related to vehicle`s improvement, fuels and urban infrastructure. Cultural and educational actions include informing, symbolic actions and culturalizing through transferring massages. In the present study, the activities based on cultural category are focused. To organize efficient cultural activities in regard to air pollution reduction, informing and persuading people must be done in a methodical manner. Due to the lack of persuasive factors, most cultural activities have faced failure. In this project the reasons of failure or succession of persuasive design by the use of Fogg`s behavior model (FBM), was studied. The analysis of each cultural activity was based on three factors of motivation, ability and trigger in interaction with people. After data analysis, a suggestion was presented. The suggested approach is propounded to individuals in a new context in addition to comprising the three FBM`s factors. According to the desk studies and FBM, some criteria were achieved. A modular facade was suggested. Cubical modules are equipped with a polymer sheet that can change color by being stretched. In this design, color changing is from the scale of green to yellow. This color changing in facade involves the viewer`s mind with the changing condition and the cause. Continuance and repetition help viewers think about air pollution and contributing to pollution reduction. This can lead to the main purpose of the study which is decreasing personal cars commuting in the city.


Vahid Choopankareh

Assistant professor, University of Tehran,

Shima Jahani

Master of industrial design,

Venus Jalali

Master of industrial design,

Sepideh Mehrbod

Master of industrial design,