Analyze the strategies to prevent large profits in banks

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 277

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 مهر 1399

چکیده مقاله:

The purpose of this study is to examine the challenges and strategies to prevent usury in banks from a financial point of view. One of the important problems in this field is the questions and doubts of people about usury in Islamic banks, which is one of the concerns of officials and scholars. In examining this issue, the research will try to use it scientifically using the conceptual model of research. The early Islamic societies created and developed financial instruments and institutions in accordance with the Shari'a principles. Directly and indirectly, they came under the influence of the West and the rules and norms Islamic economics has been abandoned for four hundred years in the field of economic issues. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, with the institutionalization of the bank in economic systems, some Muslim scholars have tried to solve the problem of traditional bank robberies. Methodology of research by purpose: It is a kind of applied research. According to the type of data, it is a descriptive survey in which it explains the relationship between existing variables using correlation test. Statistical community in this research experts and experts in the field. Management and economics at universities, banking experts and seminary students. Based on the statistical population and Krejcie Morgan's table, the sample size of 210 people was selected. It has been widely used in field data collection and has made it possible to collect information on a large scale. In order to examine the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables and research hypothesis to hypothesis test using SPSS software, structural equations will be used to analyze the data, which includes (simple regression tests, and multiple regression). This study had 5 hypotheses which are: 1- Islamic banking approach through resource equipping method has a significant effect on reducing usury in the bank. 2- Islamic banking approach through resource allocation method has a significant effect on reducing usury in the bank. 3-Banking approach Islami has a significant effect on reducing usury in the bank through the method of providing services. 4 - Islamic banking approach through investment method has a significant effect on reducing usury in the bank. 5-Islamic banking approach has a significant effect on reducing usury in the bank by dealing with usurious banks. . All of them were confirmed that it is proposed that banks increase the amount of non-usable transactions through various methods of resource equipping and providing various services and large investments.


Mahnaz shahsavari

Iran.tehran. master, University of Tehran South Management