The Investigation on the Role of Religiosity on Juvenile Delinquency Prevention (a case study on high school student of Jahrom Township)

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 467

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 اسفند 1398

چکیده مقاله:

Religion works as an innately need for all the time and societies in different ways. Furthermore, it answers all the human s ultimate questions and from the sociological aspects it can also have an organizing and integrative role. If the religious values become internalized, actually the rate of social harms will decrease. In this research Glock and Stark’s theory on religiosity with different aspects including beliefs, rituals, affections, and consequences was used, also, for determining independent variables Hirschi’s theory of delinquency was emphasized on .The purpose of this study was to assess the function of religiosity in prevention of juvenile delinquency of Jahrom high school students. A survey research method was applied. About 400 students were selected by a multi- stage cluster random sampling method. The data was collected by a 5 option questionnaire in Likert scale . The reliability of it measured through Cronbach’s Alpha and validity was confirmed by factor analysis. Then, the relationship between every one of the variables with delinquency was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics . The results of t- test showed that there is a significant relationship between gender, field of study and the respondents’ parents level of literacy with felony. Meanwhile, Pearson’s correlation coefficient showed that there is a negative correlation between religiosity with different aspects and delinquency. In multiple regression analysis, the variables with implication of beliefs, gender and the amount of family’s income had the most influential impact on delinquency.

کلیدواژه ها:

Religiosity- Juvenile- delinquency – case study


Fakhrossadat Piltan

ph.D in Sociology, Islamic Azad University of Jahrom ,Iran

Khadijeh Yahyazadeh

M.A in Educational psychology, Farhangian University, Shiraz, Iran