اولین کارگاه مشترک ایران و کره در مدلسازی اقلیم

سه شنبه، 11 اردیبهشت، 1386
مجموعه مقالات اولین کارگاه مشترک ایران و کره در مدلسازی اقلیم به سیویلیکا افزوده شد.


46 مقاله ارائه شده در اولین کارگاه مشترک ایران و کره در مدلسازی اقلیم که سال 1384 در مشهد توسط پژوهشکده اقلیم شناسی برگزار شده است، به صورت کامل به بانک مقالات سایت مرجع مهندسی عمران افزوده شد. این مقالات در 404 صفحه ارائه شده اند. کلیه مقالات این کنفرانس به زبان انگلیسی است و توسط سیویلیکا به صورت نسخه الکترونیکی تبدیل و منتشر می شود.

 1. A Hierarchical and Divisive Cluster Analysis of Rainfall Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Iran
 2. A Numerical Study of the Kuroshio System
 3. A Quantitative Study of the Effect of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea as Humidity Sources for Synoptic Systems in Iran
 4. A Study of the Effects of Zagros Mountain Ranges on Mesoscale Westerly Currents Using RegCM
 5. Analysis of Regional Droughts by Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Percent of Normal (PN) and Z Standard Indexes in Kohghiloieh and BoirAhmad Province
 6. Assessment of Drought and Trend of it's happening in Uremia
 7. Assessment of Meteorological Drought Using SPI Model and GIs in Azerbaijan
 8. Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) Gosan Campaign: East Asian Regional Experiment 2005
 9. C'limatohgy and Archaeology (Determining of Climate Change by Ancient Materials)
 10. Climate Change Assessment over Korea Using Stochastic Daily Weather Data
 11. Climate Change Detection in Guilan Province
 12. Climate Change, Malaria Relationship Modeling (The Case of Khorasan Province, Iran)
 13. Climate Variability in Arid region of Iran (Rainfall Data)
 14. Climatic Changes and Variability in Punjab State, North-West, India Sukhdev Singh Hundal, Prabhjyot-Kaur, Nozar Ghahreman
 15. Comparative Study of Multi-Day Intense Precipitations over Iran
 16. CropWat Model Improving for Estimating Evapotranspiration in Arid and Semi-arid Region of Iran
 17. Determination of Rainfall Temporal Pattern in Heavy Storms of Khorasan Provinces
 18. Evaluation of Meteorological Signals for Drought Forecasting, Using Regression Methods and Artificial Neural Networks
 19. Forecasting Daily Maximum Temperature Using New Neuro-Fuzzy Network With Variable Structure
 20. GIs Based Solar Radiation Modeling for Shiraz Solar Power Plant
 21. Impact of Climate Change Scenarios on Growth and Yield of Wheat and Rice in Punjab, India
 22. Land Data Assimilation System Development in METRIIKorea
 23. Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection and its Implication on Climatic Variability in the Submountainous Region of Punjab.India Using Remote Sensing and GIS
 24. Long-Lead Rainfall Forecasting, Using Dynamic Neural Networks: Case Study of Western Part of Iran
 25. Major Research Activities of METRI in 2004-2005
 26. Modeling of Monthly Mean Values of Temperature on the Basis of SARIMA
 27. Modeling of Thunderstorm Rainfall Events in the Northwest of Iran, Emphasizing on Flash floods Hazards in the Vicinity of Tabriz City
 28. Monitoring Ozone In Urban Climate Case Study: Esfahan Province (1995 -2004)
 29. Monthly Flow Forecasting by Time Series Models in Ghezelozan River Monireh Biabanaki, Seyed Saeid Eslamian
 30. Numerical Simulation of a Dust Storm Event Using Mesoscale Models MM5 and TAPM
 31. On the Teleconnection Study A Case Study: Investigation NAO Effect on Tabriz Precipitation
 32. Pedogenic Indicators of Paleoclilnate in an Arid Region, Central Iran
 33. Predictors for Long-Lead Precipitation Forecasting in Western Iran
 34. Processes of Climate Variability on Four Decade Time Scales in Salt Lake Basin of Iran
 35. Regional Climate Change: Where Do We Stand?
 36. Sea Waves Prediction Usin Fuzzy i Neural Network
 37. Study of Decadal Variations of Warm Days and Nights over Iran
 38. Synoptical Analysis of Instability Index and Determination Precipitable Water Which Effect on Torrential Rain in Kermanshah
 39. The Choice of Convection Schemes for Simulating Precipitation and Near Surface Air Temperature over Iran
 40. The Determination of Regional Rainfall Climates of Iran Based on Time Series Modeling
 41. The Effect of the Climate and the Physical Geography on Air Quality in Tehran-IRAN
 42. The Potential Effects of Global Warming on Soil Carbon Pool
 43. The Significant Kurdistan Climate Change
 44. Time Trend in Mean Annual Temperature of Iran
 45. Using Downscaling Techniques on GCMs Data for Long Term Forec5asts
 46. Using RegCM3 for Modeling 1995 Summer Rainfall of Iran, Focusing on Southeastern Regions