3rd Congress on Safety, Health, and Environment in Mines

چهارشنبه، 15 آذر، 1385

Proceedings of the 3rd Congress on Safety, Health, and Environment in Mines and Related Industries were published in English CIVILICA

23 articles were published in this conference which was held 2000 in Tehran, Iran. National Iranian Steel Company was the holder of 3rd Congress on Safety, Health, and Environment in Mines and Related Industries.

The English CIVILICA is the Provider of Iranian articles in English language. During the trial period of English CIVILICA, just the Abstracts of articles are available in English. Persian Full texts of articles also are available in CIVILICA. (Persian version)

 1. A new attitude towards rescuing injured person in mines
 2. A New Software for Analysis of Diagonal Mine Ventilation Network
 3. A Study of a uantitative distribution of coal dust in the coal mine of central Alborz - Mazandaran . ( 1376)
 4. A study Of Pneumoconios Incidence In Coal Miners Of Kerman And the of saty Principles observed by them 1376 1998
 5. Accident Models
 6. Acid Mine Drainage, Environment Impacts, Ways and Strategies for Treatment and Prevention
 7. Ander Ground Fives by Discription Of Fire - Fighting In Tunnel no.20 of Karmozd Mine
 8. Assesment of the effects of mineral and metalic activites on environment
 9. Development of Night - Glow For Use in Unlight Areas
 10. Effects of Mining activities on environment with special attention to Sar-cheshrneh copper mine.
 11. Epidemiologica Study of the Reduction of Respiratory Capacity of Inside and Oustide Workers of Babnizoo Coalmine - Kerman - 1988
 12. Gold Production Process In the Mooteh Mineral & Industrial Complex And Its Environmental Considerations
 13. Planing the Ventilation System of Line 4 , Tehran Subway
 14. Role of safety in productivity of companies and a method for its Measurment
 15. Safety in blasting with special focus on construction blasting
 16. Safety instructions of civil and mining excavations
 17. Safety manage ment new approach
 18. Securation of under ground coal mines dgoinst roof colfopse and rock fall .
 19. Statistical Research on Events of Kushk mine Complex
 20. Suwev of working postures and stresses to the Fast Alboorz cool mine workers with " PLIBEL METHOD "
 21. The impact of mining on the environment in Golastan province( Present & future )
 22. The importance of risk analysis in underground mines based onsafety management systems
 23. The Survey of Heat Stress Indey in Sulfatic Mine Workers and that's Control Ways