عضویت در مجامع و انجمنهای علمی
مقالات بین المللی خارج از کشور
- "A novel multi-objective green vehicle routing and scheduling model with stochastic demand, supply, and variable travel times", Elsevier BV, (2022), Vol 141, No : 105698
- Y. Zarook*, J. Rezaeian, I. Mahdavi, M. Yaghini, (2021). Efficient algorithms to minimize makespan of the unrelated parallel batch-processing machines scheduling problem with unequal job ready times. RAIRO - Operations Research, 55(3) 1501-1522.
- Y. Zarook, J. Rezaeian*, I. Mahdavi, M. Yaghini, (2020). Multi-Objective Optimization for Green Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem with Stochastic Demand and Supply. Journal of Transportation Reasearch, 19(71) 1-20.
- J. Rezaeian*, Y. Zarook, (2018). An Efficient Bi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for the Single Batch-Processing Machine Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Family Setup Time and Non-Identical Job Sizes. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 11(2) 65-78. https://jie.qazvin.iau.ir/article_538503.html. .
- "An integrated three-stage maintenance scheduling model for unrelated parallel machines with aging effect and multi-maintenance activities", Elsevier BV, (2015), Vol 83, No : 226-236
- Y. Zarook*, N. Javadian, J. Rezaeian, (2015). A hybrid method based on AHP and TOPSIS with uncertain data for MAGDM problem. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 19(1), 123-136. DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2015.065956.
- Y. Zarook*, J. Rezaeian, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, I. Mahdavi, N. Javadian, (2014). Minimization of makespan for the single batch-processing machine scheduling problem with considering aging effect and multi-maintenance activities. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 76(9-12), 1879–1892. DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6342-1.
- Y. Zarook*, J. Rezaeian, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, I. Mahdavi, N. Javadian, (2014). Minimization of makespan for the single batch-processing machine scheduling problem with considering aging effect and multi-maintenance activities. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 76(9-12), 1879–1892. .
- B. Nikjo, Y. Zarook*, (2014). A Non-Permutation Flow Shop Manufacturing Cell Scheduling Problem with Part's Sequence Dependent Family Setup Times. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, 5(14), 70-86.
- Y. Zarook*, M. Abedi, (2014). JIT-scheduling in unrelated parallel-machine environment with aging effect and multi-maintenance activities. International Journal of Services and Operations Management 18(1), 99 – 113.
- N. Tyagi, M. Abedi, R. Gopal Varshney, Y. Zarook, AB. Chandramouli. (2014). Genetic algorithm for minimization of total cost including customer’s waiting cost and machine setup cost for sequence dependent jobs on a single processor. Asian Journal of Technology-Innovation Special Issue 1(2), 143-155.
مقالات کنفرانسهای داخلی
- Y. Zarook*, B. Nikjo, (2014). A novel hybrid approach for MAGDM problems in uncertain environment. Invited speaker to The First International Conference on Politic Epic and Economic Epic at Tehran, Iran. (2013)
- Y. Zarook*, M. Abedi, B. Nikjo, (2013). Bi-objective scheduling for the single batch-processing machine with sequence dependent family setup time, non-identical job sizes and unequal job ready times. Invited speaker to The 6th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society at Tehran, Iran. (0)
- B. Nikjo*, J. Rezaeian, Y. Zarook, (2013). A hybrid approach of WEFA framework, AHP, Extended Topsis in MAGDM problem for player’s selection. Invited speaker to The 6th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society at Tehran, Iran. (0)
مقالات ژورنالهای تخصصی داخلی
سوابق استادی
- مربی دانشگاه علوم و فنون مازندران(1394-1397)
- مربی دانشگاه ملی مهارت(1391-1392)
تحصیلات تخصصی
- دکتری تخصصی مهندسی صنایع دانشگاه علوم و فنون مازندران1394-1400