آقای یوسف یاسی

Yousef Yassi

Researcher ID: (211090)


مقالات بین المللی خارج از کشور

  •  Improvement of the efficiency of the Agnew micro hydro turbine at part loads due to installing guide vanes mechanism
  •  R Peymanfar, S Keykavous-Amand, MM Abadi, Y Yassi ; A novel approach toward reducing energy consumption and promoting electromagnetic interference shielding efficiency in the buildings using Brick/polyaniline nanocomposite (2020)
  •  Preparation and Characterization of CuFe2O4 Nanoparticles by the Sol-Gel Method and Investigation of Its Microwave Absorption Properties at Ku-R Peymanfar, F Azadi, Y Yassi ; Band …
  •  Preparation and Identification of BaFe2O4 Nanoparticles by the Sol–Gel Route and Investigation of Its Microwave Absorption Characteristics at Ku-R Peymanfar, M Rahmanisaghieh, A Ghaffari, Y Yassi; Band …
  •  The effects of improvement of the main shaft on the operating conditions of the Agnew turbine Y Yassi Energy Conversion and Management 50 (10), 2486-2494
  •  Experimental study of a high speed micro waterwheel Y Yassi Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transactions of the ISME 14 (1), 33-47
  •  Experimental study of redesigned draft tube of an Agnew microhydro turbine A Mirzaei, MH Shojaeefard, A Babaei, Y Yassi Energy Conversion and Management 105, 488-497
  •  Improvement of Agnew micro hydro turbine MH Shojaeefard, Y Yassi International Journal of Engineering Science 12 (2), 43-52
  •  An experimental study of improvement of a micro hydro turbine performance Y Yassi University of Glasgow
  •  FLUID FLOW MODELLING THROUGH AN AXIAL-FLOW MICROHYDRO TURBINE. MH Shojaeefard, A Mirzaei, MS Abedinejad, Y Yassi Tehnicki vjesnik/Technical Gazette 22 (6
  •  Al-Jazari’s Water Clocks: An Archaeological Reconstruction and Comparative Analysis of the Peacock Clock and the Dragon Clock Y Yassi Nuncius 32 (1), 1-24 (2017)
  •  Al-Khazini’s Balance of Wisdom: A Masterpiece of Medieval Engineering Y Yassi, R Yassi ; (2020)Nuncius 36 (1), 49
  •  Numerical study of different models of an Agnew micro hydro turbine. MH Shojaeefard, A Mirzaei, MS Abedinejad, Y Yassi ; (2015) Modares Mechanical Engineering 15 (6)
  •  The Magic Jar and Other Devices from 9th Century Persia: A Historical and Experimental Study Y Yassi Nuncius 29 (2), 312-323; 2014
  •  Experimental Archaeology: Investigating the Evolution of Hydrostatic Balances throughout History (An Experimental Approach) Y Yassi, R Yassi Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies 13 (2), 133-148 ; 2023
  •  Al-Khazini’s Balance of Wisdom Y Yassi Nuncius 1, 18; 2020
  •  Studying the Behavior of a Variable Pitch “Hydro Screw” Micro Hydro Turbine, Numerical Analysis and Experimental Investigation A Hosseini Moghdam Omami, Y Yassi, A Nourbakhsh ADMT Journal 12 (4), 57-65 ; 2019
  •  Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Hydro Screw Turbine with Variable Pitch A Hosseini Moghadam Omami, Y Yassi, AF Najafi, A Nourbakhsh Modares Mechanical Engineering 19 (2), 457-466 ; 2019
  •  Modeliranje strujanja fluida pomoću aksijalne mikrohidro turbine MH Shojaeefard, A Mirzaei, MS Abedinejad, Y Yassi Tehnički vjesnik 22 (6), 1517-1526 ; 2015
  •  Design, modeling and numerical analysis of constant pitch hydrocoil turbine A Hosseini Moghadam Emami, Y Yassi Journal of new technologies in energy systems 1 (3), 15-25 ; 2015

مقالات کنفرانسهای داخلی

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